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3945 - Master of Film and Television Studies

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleMFilm&TV
CRICOS Code061390J
Managing facultyArts
Study location and modeOn-campus (Clayton)
Total credit points required72
Duration (years)1.5 years FT, 3 years PT
Minimum grade for completionTo graduate with the masters, students must gain a credit (60 C) or above in core units and a minimum credit average overall.
Course coordinatorDavid Hanan


The Masters of Film and Television Studies is a program designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and theoretical perspectives in recent debates and methodologies in film and television studies, examining film and film culture in a wide range of countries (Australia, the USA, Asia and Europe) and taking into account differences in film culture globally. Areas to be covered include an historical perspective on film theory and criticism; contemporary film theory and criticism; experimental cinema and screen culture; a reconsideration of genre and authorship; new thinking about television, and debates about new media; continuing roles for film festivals and screen culture organisations; the evolution of Australian film theory and criticism.

Where possible and appropriate, some film culture or industry internships will be negotiated, or practical projects offered as part of assessment.


At the completion of the course students will have acquired:

  • an understanding of issues in a range of key areas of film and television studies and in the film and television culture industries, both in australia and internationally
  • advanced critical and theoretical skills, appropriate to engaging in current debates about film, television and new media, including film and television policy issues
  • a capacity to engage with multicultural issues in australia and to cultural differences in an international context-particularly as manifested in film and television-and a sense of excitement at the challenges this poses to different ways of thinking
  • an ability to consider the relevance of these debates and issues in a variety of professional and community contexts, whether as critic, programmer, teacher, cultural worker, film culture administrator or in some production context
  • an understanding of a range of methodologies appropriate to further research in film and television studies and in the film and television culture industries, and some experience in their utilisation
  • more highly developed writing, communication and presentation skills.


Students complete 72 points, including 24 points of core units and at least one 12 point research unit. A minimum of 24 point must be taken at level five.


Core units

At least two of the following four units (including at least one of FTM4042/FTM5042 or FTM4052/FTM5052):

Research units

At least one of the following three research units should be taken (if more than one unit is taken the combination of research essay and research project is prohibited):

  • FTM4110/FTM5110 New research methodologies in film and television studies
  • FTM4120/FTM5120 Research essay in film and television studies
  • FTM5100 Research project in film and television studies (24 points)


  • FTM5320 Reframing authorship and genre
  • FTM5310 Australian film theory and criticism
  • FTM5330 Film festivals and internship

Alternative exit(s)

Students who have completed studies in this course to the value of:

  • 24 points may apply to exit with a Graduate Certificate of Film and Television Studies
  • 48 points may apply to exit with a Graduate Diploma of Film and Television Studies.

Students will also exit the masters with the appropriate award if they do not maintain the required academic level.

Award(s) received on completion *

Master of Film and Television Studies

* Where more than one award is listed, or in the case of double degrees, where more than one award is listed for one or both components of the double degree, the actual award/s conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied, the level of academic merit achieved (eg in the case of 'with honours' programs), or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.


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