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2863 - Postgraduate Diploma in Transport and Traffic

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titlePGDipTrans&Traff
Managing facultyEngineering
Intake restrictionsThere is no entry into this diploma program; students can only articulate to it from the Graduate Certificate in Transport and Traffic or exit from the Master of Transport or Master of Traffic. This course is not available to international student visa holders.
Study location and modeOff-campus (Clayton)
Total credit points required48
Duration (years)1 year FT, 2 years PT
Part-time study is possible for up to four years.
Contact detailsVisit


This postgraduate diploma is designed for engineers/skilled professionals who wish to pursue advanced study in transport and traffic engineering, previously studied as part of their undergraduate training.


Graduates should be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the (analytic) techniques relevant to the planning, design, management and operation of transport and traffic facilities
  • demonstrate an understanding of the policy context of transport including interactions between transport technology
  • demonstrate an understanding of the the land use and urban activity system and institutional/economic dimensions
  • practice critical appraisal of the literature and evidence when evaluating the appropriateness of particular transport technologies or solutions to transport problems
  • demonstrate knowledge and skills in a number of chosen areas of special interest.


Students must complete 24 points as follows:

Core units

  • CIV5301 Traffic engineering fundamentals*
  • CIV5302 Road traffic: engineering and management
  • CIV5314 Transport planning and policy*

* Students awarded credit for the graduate certificate do not undertake these units but must make up the required credit points for the graduate diploma by selecting sufficient units from the elective units listed below. Students exiting from the masters must have undertaken all three core units.

Elective units

Depending on previous studies, select one to three units from:

Total: 24 points

Progression to further studies

Students who have satisfactorily completed this postgraduate diploma may articulate to either the Master of Transport or the Master of Traffic.

Award(s) received on completion *

Postgraduate Diploma in Transport and Traffic

* Where more than one award is listed, or in the case of double degrees, where more than one award is listed for one or both components of the double degree, the actual award/s conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied, the level of academic merit achieved (eg in the case of 'with honours' programs), or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.


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