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0029 - Doctor of Philosophy - Business and Economics (PhD)

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titlePhDBusEco
CRICOS Code037832K
Managing facultyBusiness and Economics
Study location and modeOff-campus (Gippsland, Peninsula, Caulfield, Berwick, Clayton, Sunway)
On-campus (Gippsland, Peninsula, Caulfield, Berwick, Clayton, Sunway)
Duration (years)4 years FT, 8 years PT
Part time study may be permitted under certain conditions.
Postgraduate research component*100 per cent
Contact detailsFaculty Research office: telephone +61 3 9905 2483; email:
Course coordinatorAssociate Professor Paul Mather


The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Monash signifies that the holder has completed a course of postgraduate training in research under proper academic supervision and has submitted a thesis that the examiners have declared to be a significant contribution to knowledge and which demonstrates the candidate's capacity to carry out independent research.

On the recommendation of the head of the department concerned, a member of the University will be appointed to supervise the work of each candidate.


The learning goals associated with this course are to:

  • extend knowledge, expertise and skill through the application of research to business problems and issues
  • gain experience in the design and implementation of research; develop the ability to carry out independent research at an advanced level, together with analytical and written communication skills
  • make a significant contribution to knowledge.


A full-time candidate shall normally submit a thesis for examination not less than 24 months and not more than 48 months after admission to candidature for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. For part-time students, the minimum period of candidature is 48 months and the maximum period 96 months.


The conditions of enrolment in the PhD program are:

  • students are required to undertake the equivalent of six months of full-time study during the first 48 months of candidature. The period need not be continuous but is usually completed in blocks of not less than one month
  • students must maintain regular contact with their supervisors
  • students must be able to devote two full days per week, or an acceptable alternative period, to pursuing their PhD studies. At least one of these days must be a weekday (Monday to Friday).
  • students are required to attend graduate seminars organised by the department in which they are enrolled. They are expected to participate regularly in the seminar series and to give at least two seminars during the period of candidature.

In order to meet the requirements of the PhD, students must submit a thesis which generally does not exceed 100,000 words.

Award(s) received on completion

Doctor of Philosophy


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