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Bioethics - Faculty of ArtsOffered by the School of Philosophy and BioethicsCampus availability: ClaytonRelevant courses
The growth of scientific knowledge and technical ability in medicine, genetics and the biological sciences has led to a number of ethical problems which perplex all of us, but especially those in the health care field. Is human embryonic stem cell research justified by the prospect it offers of alleviating some of the most debilitating diseases? Is genetic enhancement of humans ethically justified? Is it unethical to select embryos for implantation on the basis of sex? Should research designed to find 'gay genes' be conducted given that the results of such work might be used against homosexual people? Should we proceed with research trying to clone people? Does the fact that we can prolong the life of a patient in a permanent vegetative state mean that we should do so? At the Centre for Human Bioethics (CHB), we are attempting to develop our ethical thinking so as to keep pace with advances in biomedical technology. Furthermore, we can anticipate future developments and assess what we might do if and when these anticipated developments become a reality. Sequences and unitsFirst year sequenceA first year sequence in Bioethics consists of any two of:
These units can also be counted toward a minor or major in Philosophy for the purposes of a major or minor. Minor sequenceStudents must complete a first-year sequence in Bioethics, and CHB2100. In addition they must do one of:
Contact detailsPhilosophy and Bioethics Undergraduate General enquiriesCentre for Human Bioethics |
For information about postgraduate studies in bioethics, please email