Monash University: University Handbooks: Postgraduate Handbook 2001: Subjects indexed by faculty
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The discipline

History offers postgraduate supervision across a broad range of fields, along with coursework subjects and degrees which enable students to explore their own interests as well as key theoretical, interpretive and methodological questions about the nature of historical knowledge, research and writing. Through seminars, conferences and reading groups, the department also aims to provide a supportive environment for all postgraduate students. Historical research is primarily concerned with interpretations of the past based upon the careful analysis of evidence and the critical assessment of other perspectives. Our courses also focus upon different approaches to the tasks of research, interpretation and writing, and encourage students to address questions such as the nature and status of different forms of historical evidence, the ´uses' of history in public debate, and the relationships between history and other ways of recording and remembering the past. History's questions are intrinsically fascinating: how can we know about the past? What can we know? Who speaks in the historical record, and who does not? If the past is written about in this way or that way, what are its consequences for interpretations of the present and the future? Our aim is to provide research and coursework students with the critical tools to undertake their own investigations of past worlds and to explore their own answers to those questions.
While History at Monash covers a broad span of fields, specific research strengths include indigenous history and the history of racial and ethnic relations; the history of gender and sexuality, especially in Australia, Britain and Europe during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries; Australian social and cultural history, especially urban history, local history and social welfare; South and Southeast Asian history, Indonesian history and the history of imperialism, colonialism and post-colonialism; European social and cultural history, especially French history, German history, renaissance studies, urban history, family history and the intellectual history of religion and belief in medieval and early modern Europe; military history; Jewish history; and oral history, memory and life stories. Students with research interests in areas such as public history and heritage should also refer to the ´Public history' entry. For a full list of staff and research interests, see
History offers PhD and masters by research degrees. Refer to the front of the Arts postgraduate section for further information. See also the entry for ´Humanities, communications and social sciences' (Gippsland campus). All of the courses and programs listed below can be studied part-time, and mid-year entry is also available.

Master of Arts in History by coursework and research

General information

Course code: 2846 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * pa * Course director: Bain Attwood
This course, which is offered full-time over one-and-a-half years or part-time over three years, is designed to provide students with a broader knowledge of specific fields of history and their associated methodological techniques, to introduce key theoretical concepts and questions regarding the nature of historical investigation and the examination of evidence from a variety of sources, and to provide a context of existing approaches and methods for students developing research theses.

Entry requirements

The completion of a BA honours degree in history (results of H2A or better) or the Masters Qualifying in History with a research component (results of H2A or better both for the program overall and the research component).

Course structure

The course comprises two 12-point subjects selected from those offered at fifth-year level, and a thesis of 25,000 to 35,000 words. The two subjects must be completed in the first year (if full-time) or the first two years (if part-time). Note: the minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in History by coursework and research is 60 C; in other words, a grade of credit or above is required in every subject and for the thesis.
The following subjects are available:

Master of Arts in History by coursework

General information

Course code: 0017 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Course director: Bain Attwood
This course, which is offered full-time over one year or part-time over two years, seeks to develop a high degree of conceptual and analytical ability in the study of history and to acquaint students with debates in specific fields of historical scholarship, especially those concerning the nature of history and historical knowledge.

Entry requirements

The honours degree of BA in History or (with the approval of the coordinator) in a related discipline with results of at least H2B level, or the equivalent; Masters Qualifying in History by coursework or Masters Qualifying in History with a research component (with results of least H2B level); or a Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (History) with credit grade results or above. Candidates with a Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (H2B or better) or a Masters Qualifying in Visual Arts, Geography, English, Australian Studies or other approved subjects (with results at least at H2B level) may be admitted at the discretion of the coordinator. Students who have previously completed fifth-year-level subjects in history with grades of credit or above for which a degree or award of any kind has not been taken out may apply for a maximum of 50 per cent credit at the time of their application. All requests for credit are subject to the approval of the course coordinator and the faculty.

Course structure

Students are required to complete four 12-point subjects (for a total of 48 points) chosen from the list below; at least one of which must be a historiography subject. Note that the minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in History by coursework is 60 C; in other words, a grade of credit or above is required in every subject.

Historiography subjects
Other subjects

One of the 12-point subjects may be taken in another appropriate discipline, with the approval of the coordinator.

Masters Qualifying in History with a research component

General information

Program code: 1988 * Program fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Program director: Bain Attwood
This course, which is offered full-time over one year or part-time over two years, seeks to develop those skills in historical analysis, research methods and writing which will help prepare students for a successful transition to graduate research. Coursework subjects will seek to acquaint students with debates concerning the nature and status of historical knowledge and the role of history and with recent historiographical and conceptual debates in fields of history relevant to their research interests, while a research methods subject develops skills in the locating and using of different kinds of sources. The course is also designed to develop skills in planning and implementing a research program, and in writing and oral communication. In the second semester (or second year if part-time), students will apply these skills and insights in a research project supervised by a member of academic staff. This program may be of particular value to teachers of history, professional historians, librarians, archivists and museum professionals who wish to proceed on to postgraduate research with a stronger grounding in recent developments in history and in relevant research and writing skills, as well as to other qualified people interested in pursuing study in history at postgraduate level.

Entry requirements

The pass degree of BA, with results of at least credit level in the third part of a major sequence in history or the equivalent. Students who have previously completed fourth-year-level subjects in history with grades of credit or above may apply for a maximum of 50 per cent credit at the time of their application. All requests for credit are subject to the approval of the course coordinator and the faculty. In addition, special admission will be considered for candidates holding a bachelors degree in another discipline or with a different major in the following cases:

Program structure

The program requires completion of 48 points of coursework.

Core subjects
Other subjects

Students are also required to take two subjects chosen from the lists below, one of which must be a historiography subject.


Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (History)

General information

Course code: 0876 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * pa * Course director: Bain Attwood
This course, which is offered full-time over one year or part-time over two years, seeks to develop skills in historical analysis and writing and to acquaint students with key recent debates in specific fields of history, especially those concerning the nature of history. It will enable students to study techniques of historical examination of sources and to broaden knowledge of a number of fields of history. This diploma may be of particular value to teachers of history, but it is available to any qualified person interested in pursuing study in history at postgraduate level. The program will consist of a specially constructed course of study relevant to the previous experience and future requirements of individual candidates, each of whom will be consulted as to its design.

Entry requirements

A BA pass degree, with results of at least credit level in the third part of a major sequence in history or equivalent. Students completing the Faculty Certificate in History with average results of credit or above may be granted 50 per cent credit towards a Postgraduate Diploma (ie they need complete only two 12-point subjects to qualify for the diploma) with the approval of the course coordinator and the faculty. In addition, special admission will be considered for candidates holding a bachelors degree in another discipline or with a different major in the following cases:

Course structure

Students are required to complete four 12-point subjects (for a total of 48 points) chosen from the lists below; at least one must be a historiography subject.

Historiography subjects
Other subjects

One of the 12-point subjects may be taken in another appropriate discipline, with the approval of the coordinator.

Faculty Certificate in History

General information

Program code: 2056 * Program fees: Local students - $3300 * Program director: Mark Peel
This program, which is offered full-time over one semester or part-time over one year, seeks to provide suitably qualified people with an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in history and to provide those who wish to proceed into postgraduate diplomas with an introduction to recent debates and changes in the discipline of history. In particular, the program will seek to introduce questions concerning the nature and status of historical knowledge and the role of history, and provide a more general base in conceptual and theoretical knowledge into which people can successfully integrate their specific interests in various fields of history.

Entry requirements

Candidates with a bachelors degree in a field other than arts and with relevant experience which establishes their capacity for advanced study in history are eligible for admission. The following principles will form the basis for decisions about admission for candidates without a bachelors degree:

Credit provision

Students successfully completing a faculty certificate with average grades of credit or above can progress to a Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (History) and receive 50 per cent credit for that course.

Course structure

The program requires completion of two 12-point subjects (a total of 24 points) from those listed below. At least one must be a historiography subject.:

Historiography subjects
Other subjects

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