Map 2 Bachelor of Business Systems (non-IBL stream) and Bachelor of Business and Information Technology

Course code (Bachelor of Business Systems): 0102 · Course code (Bachelor of Business and Information Technology): To be advised

First year


First semester

BUS1010 Introductory computing for business applications (6points)

BUS1060 Computer programming for business A (6points)

BUS1100 Quantitative methods for business systems (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second semester

BUS1021 Business information systems (6points)

BUS1042 Computer programming for business B (6points)

BUS1110 Computer models for business systems (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second year


First semester

BUS2011 Programming for business applications (6points)

IMS2071 Systems analysis and design (6points)

BUS2120 Computer concepts and software systems (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second semester

BUS2062 Data communications (6points)

BUS2176 Project management (6points)

Elective (6points)

Elective (6points)

Third year

48 points

First semester

BUS3112 Database systems and data management (6points)

BUS3020 Trading systems and electronic commerce (6points)

Elective (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second semester

BUS3030 Financial modelling (6points)

BUS3530 Operations management systems (6points)

BUS3600 Business case development* (6points)

Elective (6points)

Note: If you are completing the accounting stream at Clayton campus,, check with Dr D Maher, building 63, room 109.
* Students enrolled in the accounting stream are exempted from enrolling in BUS3600.
_ Students who study SYS1002 (Information systems 2) as an elective in first year are prohibited from studying SYS2071 in second year; instead, those students should take SYS2001 (Information systems 3) in second year.