Bachelor of Business Studies - BBusSt

General information

Course code: 0946 · Course coordinator: Ms Sally Joy · This course is currently under review and is subject to change
The Bachelor of Business Studies is a degree program that is offered through Open Learning Australia. The degree includes units offered by Monash University as well as units available from other universities. Students wishing to take out a Monash degree should note that they must include a minimum of eight Monash units to be eligible for a Monash degree.

Recommended Year 12 subjects

There are no formal academic prerequisites for Open Learning Australia (OLA) students wishing to study the Bachelor of Business Studies.

Credit for work done elsewhere

Bachelor of Business Studies students will be awarded the same amount of credit for previous studies as students of other degrees offered by the faculty, depending on their major.

Mode of offering

Students may select from a wide range of units, but because not all units are delivered through all modes of learning or on all campuses, students will need to consider this when selecting units.
Open learning allows students to study from home or from their workplace. Specially prepared study materials are sent to students, who are expected to complete regular assignments by mail. Study assistance is available from lecturers and advisers by telephone, fax, email or post.
Normally the only attendance requirement for open learning students is one three-hour examination for each unit held at the end of each semester. Examination centres are established throughout Australia so that no student should have to spend more than an hour-and-a-half travelling to the nearest examination centre.
Television programs for many open learning units are broadcast in the mornings on ABC TV. Open learning is offered continuously throughout the year, although individual units may not be offered in all study periods, so students may begin study by open learning in any of four study periods each year.

Course structure

The Bachelor of Business Studies comprises 24 units. Of the 24 units:

Unit codes are shown as per the OLA handbook; Monash subjects show the Monash code in parentheses after the subject name.

1. Compulsory subjects - all units to be completed
2. Majors - choose one or two majors

Students must complete all of the management and/or marketing units listed below to be credited with the major (s).


and any two of the following units:

3. Minors - complete the degree by selecting groups of units that form a minor or minors
Business law (subjects offered by Curtin University)
Marketing (cannot be taken with a marketing major)


Students who have not completed 24 units but have completed the compulsory units and one major may select their remaining units from those listed above or from other university level units offered by OLA, provided that they complete a minimum of eight Monash business units. Students intending to seek employment within the business sector or to apply for an honours program offered through a university are advised to take electives from within the business and economics area. Students intending to work in either the retail or agribusiness sectors are advised to complete minors in these areas.