Master of Business Systems

General information

Course code: 2400 * Gippsland campus * Fee paying course: subject fee $1000 per six-point subject * Fee paying course: international subject fee $1785 per six-point subject * Course director: Dr Baikunth Nath.


This coursework masters provides an extended education and training in methods used in the design, development and application of computer systems for the management of business operations. This involves the study of business-related computer techniques and business procedures leading to an understanding of the design, operation and control of computer systems. Applications include those in management, business data processing, planning, scheduling, forecasting, production management, inventory management, financial management, business modelling and other functional areas of business, industry and government. Students may also take some subjects on-campus at Clayton. On-campus students have the option of completing the degree by coursework, by projects or they may include a larger research component. Students who successfully complete forty-eight points may exit the course with a Graduate Diploma in Business Systems.

Entry requirements

Candidates with a relevant bachelors degree or a graduate diploma or an honours degree, will normally be admitted to the course.

Course structure

To qualify for the Master of Business Systems degree students complete both part A and B described below:

Part A

At least four (4) subjects from each of the following groups:

Group 1
Group 2

Part B

Up to four (4) subjects drawn from any postgraduate program of the university with approval from the relevant teaching department and head of the Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology (or nominee). Subjects may be selected from subjects listed in the Group 1 and Group 2 schedules.

Further information

For more detailed information, contact the student matters officer, Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, telephone (03) 5122 6962 or (03) 9902 6962; email: Further details are also available on the world wide web, at URL: http://

Completed applications

Completed applications are to be forwarded to the student matters officer, Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, 3842, by 24 September 1999 to be considered for a first-round offer. Applications received after that date, but before 29 November 1999, will be considered for a second round of offers. Later applications may be considered if places are available.