Master of Information Technology

General information

Course code: 2402 * Caulfield, Clayton and Peninsula and via distance education at the Gippsland campus by Faculty of Information Technology Full-fee paying course: subject fee $1000; course fee $12,000 * Overseas student fee: subject fee $1785; course fee $21,420.


The course provides a broad program in Information Technology, enabling students to select specific areas for in-depth study, or to construct a program from a range of suitably advanced subjects. It aims to provide the conceptual and theoretical framework in which students can appreciate and integrate new software and hardware technologies, and, within an information technology context, use them to develop solutions to complex problems. The course deepens students' theoretical knowledge in specific areas so that they will have the intellectual and conceptual foundation to play leading roles in the development of the information technology industry.

Entry requirements

A first degree which is recognised as equivalent to an Australain bachelors degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course.

Special requirements

Computer and internet access requirements as specified in the 'Electronic course delivery' section of the distance education handbook.

Course structure

The course consists of seventy-two points of coursework subjects. The seventy-two points may include six or twelve points of individual project work or can comprise of forty-eight points of subjects plus a twenty-four-point minor thesis. At least four subjects (twenty-four points) must be taken from subjects labelled group two.
At least eight from the following:

Remaining subjects from the following

Not more than four from subjects offered by other faculties of Monash University, with approval from head of school or nominee. Detailed subject descriptions can be found at


A combination of assignments and final examination for each subject. A pass is required in the final examination to pass the subject.


Advanced standing of up to twenty-four points is available to applicants who hold a suitable post-graduate qualification or who have a four-year Honours degree with a significant emphasis on information technology.

Further information

Dr Guojun Lu, Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, email

Completed applications

Completed applications are to be forwarded to the student matters officer, Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, Monash University, Churchill 3842 by 24 September 1999 to be considered for a first-round offer. Applications received after that date, but before 29 November 1999 will be considered for a second round of offers. Later applications may be considered if places are available.