Bachelor of Environmental Science


Clayton campus
Course coordinator: Dr D C 'Bear' McPhail
Course code: 2340

Course objectives

The objectives of the BSc are common to this degree; however, there are other objectives that pertain more specifically to the Bachelor of Environmental Science degree. On completion of this degree, students will be able to:

Course requirements

The BEnvSci consists of four years of full-time study (forty-eight points per year for a total of 192 points), during which a student can qualify for either a pass or honours degree. There are five core areas defined within the degree and students must choose to major in at least two of these:

Core area

Host department

Atmospheric science

Mathematics and Statistics, and Geography and Environmental Science


Biological Sciences



Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences


Geography and Environmental Science

Note that it is highly recommended that students discuss their choice of subjects and programs at all year levels with environmental science representatives.

Level 1

Level 2

Levels 3 and 4

At the beginning of third year, students with a credit average or better may choose to undertake an honours degree in environmental science. Those students will be required to maintain or better their credit average and complete an honours thesis in their fourth year of study.

Levels 3 and 4 (pass degree)

Levels 3 and 4 (honours degree)