
Prespecialisation nursing studies

6 points · 5 hours per week · Second semester Peninsula · Prerequisites: NUR2103, NUR2113, NUR2104, NUR2105, NUR2303, NUR2304

Objectives On completion of this subject the student are expected to define the scope of a specialist nurse practice in Australia and its overall purposes and function as a level of practice; describe the focus of a particular speciality, its defined population group and area of activity; demonstrate indepth knowledge for nominated health problems/issues for the specialty; describe the practice standards and core competencies for the speciality; utilise problem solving approaches to study particular specialist exemplars; describe a speciality practice environment and professional role relationships within it.

Synopsis Prespecialisation nursing studies introduces students to the role of the nurse prepared beyond the nurse generalist, in a branch of a nursing field. These fields can include clinical, education, administration, scholarship and research specialities. The subject will enable students to study the evolution, issues and scope of a nursing speciality within Australia, and there will be an opportunity to study exemplars of the speciality. The provision of speciality exemplars will encourage students to exercise their problem solving skills, discuss and debate practice and professional issues, and utilise the full scope of their nursing roles. Furthermore, students will complete a project related to their specialist stream that will include some fieldwork activities.

Assessment Presentation/demonstration: 35% · Fieldwork report: 40% · Examination 25%

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