
Multimedia authoring

Not offered by distance in 1999

6 points - Thirteen 2-hour lectures for the subject - Summer semester, Caulfield/Clayton (on-campus) - Summer semester, Gippsland (distance) - Prerequisites: FIT5900, FIT5910 and FIT5920, or with permission of the subject coordinator.

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students will have knowledge of those project management methodologies and techniques that are relevant to multimedia system development and the various conceptual design tools and techniques used in the contemporary multimedia industry. They will have acquired the skills of multimedia authoring and content creation and an understanding of the ways to use these to meet the project stakeholder's requirements.

Synopsis This subject enables students to acquire an overall view of the process of multimedia system development and provides them with an understanding of formal approaches to handling this process. The subject also covers the technical aspects of multimedia application development. Topics covered: multimedia system development life cycle, the issues and possible solutions, conceptual design tools: storyboard, extended entity-relationship model and object-oriented approaches, multimedia authoring tools and how they help to implement CD-ROM based, Internet enabled and hybrid CD-ROM multimedia systems, content development skills for multimedia applications for business, education and the general public. The conceptual materials presented and knowledge gained during the lectures, which include critiques of commercial multimedia applications, are reinforced by a practical multimedia application development project in which students will work in teams. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to apply their understanding of the principles, methodology, tools and techniques to develop a successful multimedia system in a professional manner.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% - Assignment: 50%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

Recommended texts

To be advised

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