
Introduction to multimedia computing

6 points - One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week - First semester - Caulfield (on-campus), Gippsland (distance) - Prerequisite Course entry standard

Objectives At the successful completion of this subject, students will understand the principles of multimedia production for the World Wide Web. Students will have acquired the skills to design and implement a user-friendly web site containing text, images, sounds and interactive elements. They should have gained a knowledge of legal issues, computer-human interaction and security relating to multimedia computing and the WWW.

Synopsis The subject will introduce the concept of digital multimedia with the WWW serving as a specific example. Students will be exposed to technical aspects of web-site construction including HTML, CGI, JavaScript and Java. Tools for creation of graphical and audio content will also be demonstrated. Principles of design as they apply to typography, photography, cinematography, music, sound and interactive multimedia will be examined. Students of this subject will gain practical experience in the creation of carefully designed, user friendly web sites using the tools and techniques discussed in lectures. Also covered in the subject are relevant legal issues, useability testing and security.

Assessment Examination (2 hrs): 50% - Assignments: 50%

Recommended texts

Fisher S Creating dynamic web sites: A webmaster's guide to interactive multimedia Addison-Wesley, 1997
Flanagan D Java in a nutshell: A desktop quick reference for Java programmers O'Reilly, 1996
Flanagan D JavaScript: The definitive guide O'Reilly, 2nd edn, 1997
Musciano C and Kennedy B HTML: The definitive guide O'Reilly, 2nd edn, 1997

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