
Engineering practices: design process

B W Field

4 points · 22 lecture hours and 22 tutorial and laboratory hours · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: ENG1201 or CIV1210, ENG1401 or MEC1410 · Corequisites: MEC1414 or MEC2410 or MEC2414, MEC2440

Objectives The development of skills in applying techniques for the systematic solution of engineering design problems, basic forming and machining processes and an understanding of the requirements for, and techniques available for design communication. The student is expected to develop an ability to choose and specify geometrical aspects of artifacts to suit at least one forming process and a range of machining processes and an ability to solve engineering design problems with incomplete specifications.

Synopsis Model of design, problem definition, solution generation; systematic and random methods. Decision making; compromises. Traditional manufacturing methods: forming; casting, pressing and forging: machining; turning, milling, drilling, threading, grinding, etc. Joining methods: welding, adhesive, rivetting, bolting, keys etc. Safety factors and design analysis. Production of layout drawings, report writing. Design projects involving applied mechanics.

Assessment Assignments and tests: 100%

Prescribed texts

Field B W Introduction to design processes Dept Mechanical Engineering, Monash U, 1997
Juvinall R C and Marshek K M Fundamentals of machine component design Wiley

Recommended texts

Baumeister (ed.) Marks' standard handbook for engineers McGraw-Hill

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