
Engineering practices: drafting

B W Field

3 points · 6 lectures and 33 drafting hours · First semester · Clayton Only available to some double and consecutive degree programs with mechanical engineering · Prohibited combination: MEC2414, MEC1414

Objectives The student is expected to obtain a working knowledge of the drafting standard AS1100 and demonstrate this knowledge by correctly reading drawings and producing detail and assembly drawings to a reasonable standard and at a reasonable speed. The student is expected to develop sketching skills appropriate to those of an engineer.

Synopsis Drafting and/or CAD equipment. Orthographic projection, standards. Drafting and sketching technique, sections, basic conventions. Dimensioning and tolerancing for circular fits. Detail drawing: welding and surface texture. Assembly drawings.

Assessment Examination: 50% · Assignments: 50%

Prescribed texts

Standards Australia/Institution of Engineers Australia Engineering drawing handbook Standards Australia, 1993
Field B W Class exercises for drafting Dept Mechanical Engineering, Monash U, 1999

Recommended texts

Boundy A W Engineering drawing McGraw-Hill, 1992

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