Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation/Bachelor of Education (BS&OR/BEd)

General information

Gippsland campus
Course code: 2069 (BS&OR), 2070 (BS&OR/BEd)
Contact: Mr Andrew Cope (please telephone (03) 51 22 6969 or (03) 9902 6969 for initial inquiries)

Introduction to course

The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation/Bachelor of Education double degree is a unique, interdisciplinary degree which focuses specifically on the employment and training needs of those employed in the expanding sport and outdoor recreation industries. The course will provide attractive sequences of studies for students in a number of disciplinary areas including education, business/management, tourism, environmental science and sports science .
The Victorian Department of Education has identified a significant demand for teachers of health and physical education and the course is designed to ensure that students are able to meet registration requirements for such vocations.
The course will provide prospective students with the opportunity to complete either the double degree or a single degree in either area. It will allow students a great number of opportunities in the selection of general studies allowing personal tailoring for potential career paths.


The objectives of the Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation/Bachelor of Education course are to provide students with knowledge and understanding of:

Students should also develop the skills to:

Admission requirements

Applicants must have satisfactorily completed the Victorian Certificate of Education or its equivalent, with at least a D average in units 3 and 4 of English plus a D average in (any) one mathematics subject (minimum level 1 and 2) and two other VCE subjects.

Credit provision

Applicants contemplating admission to this course may seek formal credit or recognition of prior learning. Applicants should apply for credit prior to enrolment but currently enrolled students may also apply. The Faculty of Education considers each application on its merits within the context of the faculty guidelines on credit transfer which are contained in a booklet Learning from experience available from the Professional Development Institute, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Gippsland campus, Churchill 3842 ($7 postage and packing).

Course structure

A candidate for the double degree must fulfil the following requirements to receive the awards of Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation/ Bachelor of Education:
(a) successfully complete subjects totalling 192 points;
(b) successfully complete studies in sport and outdoor recreation subjects, and in academic disciplines appropriate for either the sport and recreation industry and/or teaching at the primary or secondary level and in the TAFE system;
(c) successfully complete two sequences in education, one in education studies and one in teaching and curriculum studies (which includes a practicum).
Candidates intending to qualify as secondary teachers need to be aware that their major and minor studies in sport and outdoor recreation must satisfy the requirements for the study of two teaching methods in their fourth year and the requirements for employment laid down by the Victorian Department of Education and non-government authorities.
Off-campus fieldwork placement in school settings (mainly in Victoria but also in wider Australia, North America and the South Pacific) is an integral part of the course for every student. Other off-campus fieldwork activities provide students, as individuals or in small groups, with opportunities to collect data, test theories, and observe phenomena relevant to all areas of education. In the last two years of the double degree emphasis will also be placed on vocational education and training in workplace settings with relevant practical experience opportunities.

First-year subjects

Length of course/workload required

This course consists of four years full-time study or equivalent part-time taken on-campus. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is forty-eight.

Further information

Students are referred to the subject descriptions, which include reading lists, in the Applied Science, Business, Humanities and Social Science and the Education handbooks for details of all subjects offered in the Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation/Bachelor of Education degree.
Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the senior administrator, Faculty of Education, Gippsland campus (telephone (03) 51 22 6969 or (03) 9902 6969) or visit our web site at