
French language IV

16 points (full-year subject) or 8 points (first or second semester) - 3 hours per week - Clayton

Objectives Students completing the subject should display a relatively high degree of fluency, accuracy and ease in oral expression, and a high degree of accuracy and stylistic control in written expression. In particular, it will be expected that a good command of academic prose and exposition will have been attained.

Synopsis Varied oral and written exercises with particular emphasis on reading and writing activities of relevance to the preparation of the dissertation. Students proceeding to fourth-year honours from the beginners or intermediate stream will do FRN3070 (FRN3110 pre-1997 coding) and/or FRN3080 (FRN3120 pre-1997 coding) plus additional work as the effective content of FRN4000.

Assessment Weekly written exercises and a final oral test: 100%

Prescribed texts

Collins-Robert French-English English-French dictionary Collins and Société du Nouveau Littré
Robert Le Nouveau Petit Robert Les Dictionnaires Robert

Recommended texts

Hawkins R and R Towell French grammar and usage Arnold
Vinay J-P and Darbelnet J Stylistique comparée du français et de l'anglais Didier

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