
French language IIIA

P Durel

4 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: FRN2080 (or FRN2100 pre-1997 coding)

Objectives Students will learn through interaction in classroom situations with the teacher and other learners to respond in the target language to such stimuli as printed documentation from newspapers, magazines and books and aural and visual documentation such as radio and television broadcasts. Through homework prepared under guidance, students will learn to discuss, comment or summarise in written French and/ or English topics documented in the other language. Upon successful completion of these units, students should be able to demonstrate a high level of communicative competence and be able to participate effectively in most conversations on practical, social and abstract topics. They should be able to express themselves effectively in writing in a similar range of topics and should be aware of and sensitive to the socio-cultural differences between France and Australia. They should also have acquired some applied communication skills in such fields as teaching, business French, mass media, social customs, politics and have acquired the skills necessary to translate and interpret into and from English and French, at a paraprofessional level.

Synopsis (i) Writing practice: a range of exercises (translations, commentaries, rédactions, résumés) based on a variety of up-to-date materials. The material will be thematically organised. (ii) Oral practice: thematically organised class activities linked to the themes and documentation for writing practice with the addition of audio and audio-visual material. Varied activities are included, such as simulation exercises, debating the results of surveys, interviews, statistical and other research.

Assessment Writing practice - the semester's work and a final examination: 65% - Oral practice - the semester's work: 25% - Final oral test: 10%

Prescribed texts

Le Nouveau Petit Robert Société du Nouveau Littré
French at Monash III French Section, Monash U

Recommended texts

Hawkins R and R Towell French grammar and usage Arnold

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