This course, offered by the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, gives health professionals the attitude, skills and knowledge necessary to responsibly provide preventive health services to both reduce the health impacts of disease and injury and assist to systematically address hazards arising from workplaces and within communities. The course caters for the special needs of medical practitioners, nurses, allied health personnel, scientists or OHS managers wishing to develop adaptable and responsible skills as OHS and environmental health practitioners. The course is offered by off-campus learning however compulsory block attendance is required each semester.
Postgraduate - Course
Commencement year
This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2019 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.
Other commencement years for this course: 2018 and 2017
Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.
Course code
Credit points
Abbreviated title
Managing faculty
Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Admission and fees
Course progression map
M5018 (pdf)
Course type
Graduate diploma
Standard duration
1 year FT, 2 years PT
You have a maximum of 4 years to complete this course including any periods of intermission and suspension, and must be continuously enrolled throughout.
Graduate Diploma of Occupational and Environmental Health
Alternative exits
Graduate Certificate of Occupational Health
Refer to 'Alternative exits' entry below for further requirements and details.
IMPORTANT: This course is only available to international students in 'on-campus' mode. Please note that 'on-campus' mode comprises a mix of online learning and on-site teaching.
For most units, the majority of contact hours are facilitated through the University's online learning platform, with additional face-to-face contact during designated study days at Public Health & Preventive Medicine at the Alfred Medical Research and Education Precinct (AMREP) in Melbourne.
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 8 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 8 and Monash Graduate Attributes (
Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of the legal and ethical framework which governs occupational health and safety practice and the obligations of industry in regard to the environment
- access, critically appraise and integrate hazard information from published studies and other relevant sources in the occupational and environmental health literature to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement and responsibility in an occupational and environmental health professional and/or management role
- recognise and evaluate the level of exposure and assess the degree of risk to health from workplace and environmental hazards and provide advice on appropriate control measures in the workplace and the community
- demonstrate an understanding of the factors underlying risk perception and be able to effectively and sensitively communicate - in both written reports and oral presentations - these risks to exposed people in the workplace and the community
- identify, recommend and source or provide occupational health services, including preventative programs and environmental advice to industry.
The course comprises 48 points of occupational and environmental health studies. In these studies, you will gain an introduction to occupational health and safety, in identifying risks and hazards in the workplace and understanding the epidemiology of occupational and environmental diseases and injuries. You will learn to prevent and manage such risks and hazards and to implement occupational safety systems in the workplace.
The course comprises 48 points. The course progression mapcourse progression map ( provides guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.
Units are 6 credit points unless otherwise stated.
You must complete:
- MPH5241 Introduction to occupational health and safety
- MPH5243 Chemical and biological hazards
- MPH5222 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- MPH5244 Ergonomic and physical hazards
- MPH5040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH5242 Psychosocial work environment
- MPH5203 Environmental influences on health
- MPH5276 Safety management systems
Alternative exits
You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with the following award, provided you have satisfied the requirements for that award during your enrolment in this graduate diploma course:
- Graduate Certificate of Occupational Health after successful completion of 24 points including MPH5222, MPH5241, MPH5243, MPH5244.
Progression to further studies
Successful completion of this course may provide a pathway to the Master of Occupational and Environmental Health.