
Information systems 3

G Shanks

6 points
* 4 hours per week
* First, second semester
* Caulfield, Clayton
* Prerequisites: SYS1002
* Prohibitions: BUS2071, CFR1123, CFR1252, CFR1306, SYS1252, SYS2071, SYS2151

Objectives At the completion of this subject, students should know about systems analysis and design techniques and their integration into a cohesive methodology for information systems development; understand standard techniques for abstraction and modelling of an information system; be able to apply a number of systems analysis and design techniques to an information system; and appreciate how to participate confidently as a team member in the analysis and design of an information systems development project.

Synopsis Review of the systems development process, requirements acquisition for information systems; requirements modelling for information systems, process modelling - data flow diagrams, structured English, decision trees, decision tables; data modelling - entity-relationship models; integration of requirements models - data dictionary and CASE tools; generating and evaluating design alternatives; logical design of information systems, logical data design - relational modelling and normalisation, data distribution, logical process design - structure charts, coupling and cohesion, process distribution, interface and dialogue design; a methodology for analysis and design of information systems.

Assessment Examination: 60%
* Practical assignments: 40%

Prescribed texts

Hoffer J A, George J F and Valacich Modern systems analysis and design Benjamin Cummings, 1996

Recommended texts

Anderson J and Poole M Thesis and assignment writing 2nd edn, Wiley, 1994
Barker R CASE*method: Entity relationship modelling Addision Wesley, 1990
De Marco T Structured analysis and systems specification Prentice-Hall, 1978
Hawryszkiewycz I T Introduction to systems analysis and design 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1995
Kendall K and Kendall J Systems analysis and design Prentice-Hall, 1992
Powers M J, Cheney P H and Crow G Structured systems development: Analysis, design and implementation 2nd edn, Boyd and Fraser, 1990

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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