
Programming for business applications

K Styles

6 Points
* 4 hours per week
* First semester
* Gippsland and distance
* Corequisite GCO1851 or GCO1815
* Not available to Bachelor of Computing students

Objectives The subject aims to enable students to design and produce small application programs suitable for use in a business environment, use a modern programming environment and tools to develop and maintain a business application and evaluate and review business application software.

Synopsis Programming language generations and their characteristics. Algorithms and computer programs. Program development in a visual programming environment, user interface and screen design, input and output design, data types, arrays, record types, files; data hiding, procedures and parameters; objects and methods, event driven programs, menus; program documentation; software quality and software evaluation. For distance education students there is opportunity for additional contact through electronic mail and newsgroups.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70%
* Two assignments 30%
* For successful completion of this subject students must demonstrate a satisfactory level of performance in each component of the assessment.

Prescribed texts

Schneider D E An introduction to programming using Visual Basic 4.0 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Robertson L Simple program design 2nd edn, Nelson, 1994

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Published by Monash University, Australia
Maintained by wwwdev@monash.edu.au
Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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