
Digital design I

B Qiu

4 points
* First semester
* Clayton
* Prerequisites: DGS1210, DGS1220

Objectives At the completion of the subject, students should be able to analyse representative problems in digital logic; carry out appropriate logic minimisation on digital circuits; and design, construct and test digital circuitry of moderate complexity using contemporary-technology methods.

Synopsis In this subject, students build on their work in DGS1111 to further their skills in solving problems through the construction of digital circuits; advance their knowledge and skills in the techniques of digital circuit design; and advance their knowledge of the design techniques and methods for digital circuits, implementation using large scale integrated digital circuit modules. The syllabus covers practical combinational circuit design and implementation, arithmetic circuits, iterative cell circuits; design of synchronous state machines, ASM charts and ASM synthesis; programmable logic devices - ROMs, PLAs, PALs, and GALs; combinational and sequential circuit design using PLDs; CAD tools for implementation of PLDs; memories - ROMs, SRAMs, DRAMs.

Assessment Practical work, assignments and class tests: 40%
* Written examination (3 hours): 60%

Prescribed texts

Wakerly J F Digital design principles and practices Prentice-Hall, 1994

Recommended texts

McCalla T R Digital logic and computer design Maxwell-Macmillan, 1992
TTL Data book

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Maintained by wwwdev@monash.edu.au
Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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