
Digital technology I

P Atkinson

6 points
* Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour tutorial and one 2-hour practical class per week
* First semester
* Clayton
* Prohibitions: CFR1130, COT1130, CSC2061, GCO2812

Objectives At the completion of the subject, students should understand digital-logic concepts, including binary codes, binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and logic minimisation techniques; have a working knowledge of a number of basic digital devices such as decoders, multiplexers, latches and flip-flops; and be able to design, implement, test and evaluate TTL circuits of up to ten SSI/MSI chips complexity.

Synopsis In this subject, students are introduced to digital-logic concepts, and the implementation and usage of digital logic in basic digital circuits. Numbers: binary, octal, hex. Binary codings: BCD, Gray, ASCII. Data transmission: parallel, sync/async serial, parity bits, error detection and correction. Logic operations: logic gates, ICs and logic families. Logic functions and circuits: standard forms, minimisation, Boolean algebra. Decoders, muxes, adders, ROMs and PLDs in combinational logic design, latches and flip-flops. Design of sequential logic circuits: counters, registers and state machines. In the laboratory classes, students will use CAD tools for logic design and simulation work, as well as a `chip-kit' and prototype wiring system.

Assessment Tests, assignment and tutorial work: 15%
* Practical work: 30%
* Examination (3 hours): 55%

Recommended texts

Mano M M Digital design 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1991

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Maintained by wwwdev@monash.edu.au
Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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