
Digital logic

4 points
* Two 1-hour lectures per week and a total of 20 hours of laboratory classes over the semester
* First semester
* Clayton
* Prohibitions: CSC1021, DGS1111, PHS2041, RDT1111

Objectives On completion of the subject, students should be able to manipulate circuits by a variety of techniques including engineering design methods, formal logic transformations, and tabular simplification methods; design, construct and analyse digital circuits; and construct a very simple computer.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide an understanding of the design and construction of digital logic devices. The subject covers Boolean algebra, gates and combinational logic, Karnaugh maps, flip-flops, sequential circuit design, clocked synchronous logic, race conditions, encoding and decoding, multiplexing, adders and multipliers, buses, error detection and correction, processor implementation, timing, analysis and synthesis of control mechanisms. The practical component is based upon the digital hardware laboratories.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60%
* Practical examination: 20%
* Laboratory work: 20%
* Compulsory laboratory class attendance

Recommended texts

Katz R Contemporary logic design Benjamin Cummings, 1992

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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