
Project management V

R Li

6 points
* One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week
* Second, summer semester
* Clayton
* Prerequisites: BUS4520 or MBA5560

Objectives On completion of this subject students should understand the different phases of planning, scheduling, implementing and controlling projects; be familiar with financial evaluation and cost estimating techniques; be able to set up network analyses, time analysis and scheduling using critical path techniques and PERT; be competent in resource allocation, scheduling, constraining and levelling; and be able to use personal computer packages relevant to project management.

Synopsis Topics covered will include financial evaluation techniques, cost estimating, network analysis, time analysis and scheduling, CPM and PERT, resource allocation, resource scheduling, resource constraining and levelling, project costing, project implementation and project control. Examples will be discussed that cover a range of applications in both blue collar and white collar industries; the differences will also be discussed. Commercially available software will be reviewed and participants will have access to a PC-based project management package throughout the subject.

Assessment Assignment: (2000-3000 words) 20%
* Project management software: 20%
* Examination (2 hours): 60%

Prescribed texts

Meredith J R and Mental S J Project management: A managerial approach 3rd edn, Wiley, 1994

Recommended texts

Reiss G Project management demystified Spoon, 1993
Stuckenbruck L C (ed.) Implementation of project management: The professional handbook Addison-Wesley, 1992
Willis R JBusiness modelling Dept Business Systems, Monash U, 1997

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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