
Management information systems

Y P Cheung

6 points
* 3 hours per week
* First, summer semester (Clayton)
* Second semester (Caulfield)

Objectives On completion of this subject students should understand the principles underlying the use of computers in management; have a sound basis to assess the use and value of a computer system and how to make efficient use of these systems in other subjects.

Synopsis Topics covered include computer-based management information systems and their application to a range of common business functions; data management; managing system development and current developments in business computing.

Assessment Assignments 40%
* Examination (2 hours): 60%

Preliminary reading

Blissmer R H Introducing computers-concepts, systems, and applications Wiley, 1995-1996

Prescribed texts

Cheung Y P MBA5560 Management information systems Monash Mt Eliza School of Business, 1996

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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