
Business communications

E J G Wilson (summer) and L C Wilkins (second semester)

6 points
* Summer semester - IBL stream only
* One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week
* Second semester
* Clayton
* Prohibitions: CSC1040, CSC1050, SYS2204

Objectives The subject introduces the student to the following aspects of business communication: awareness of the importance of effective communication in all forms in both professional and social contexts; various aspects of oral and written communication within the framework of managing group processes; recognition of the importance of the interface between technology and people; and acceptance of a leadership role in the broader context of organisation responsibilities.

Synopsis Communication as a skill. Written communication with an emphasis on business documents. Document construction, content and layout. Different types of documents. Verbal communication skills including public speaking, interviewing, one-to-one communications.

Assessment (second semester) Assignments: 65%
* Semester test: 25%
* Tutorial participation: 10%
Assessment (summer) Assignments: 70%
* Seminar participation and presentations: 30%

Prescribed texts (second semester)

Dwyer J The business communication handbook 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1993

Recommended texts (second semester)

Beisler F and others Communication skills 2nd edn, Longman, 1993
Huckin T N and Olsen L A Technical writing and professional communication for non-native speakers of English McGraw-Hill, 1991

Recommended texts (summer)

Neman B Writing effectively 2nd edn, Harper and Row, 1989

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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