
Community history

Meredith Fletcher

8 points
* 3 hours per week
* Second semester
* Gippsland and distance
* Prerequisites: GSC1503 and GSC1504 or equivalents

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should have gained an understanding of why and how communities write their history, have developed skills of historical research such as locating and assessing a variety of sources and developing arguments, and will have been introduced to the craft of writing and the specific skills required when writing for an audience.

Synopsis This subject focuses on local and community history, studying a variety of community histories and investigating concepts of community, identity and stance, the relationship between communities and the wider society, and the connection between the present and the past. Students will be introduced to the methods of researching and writing community history and will study oral history, photograph interpretation and material culture.

Assessment Tutorial exercise (1500 words): 25%
* Community history project (1500 words): 25%
* Research essay (3000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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