
Global and regional studies I: modern world events and issues

Elizabeth Edmondson, David Schmitt and Keith Wilson

6 points
* 3 hours per week
* First semester
* Gippsland and distance

Objectives On successful completion of the subject students should be familiar with the significant events and issues that have shaped the post 1945 world, acquired skills to examine major global and regional trends, be able to communicate an understanding of these and use appropriate theoretical and methodological tools to facilitate this.

Synopsis This subject focuses on issues and events post 1945 using global and regional frameworks. Critical analysis will be used to gain an understanding of the most significant forces that have shaped the period 1945 to present. Topics studied include the origins of the post-1945 world; the Cold War and impact of superpower dominance; decolonisation; the third industrial revolution; the global economy; the resurgence of religion, nationalism and tribalism and the new world order.

Assessment Tutorial paper (1000 words): 20%
* Exercise (1500 words): 40%
* Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

Spiegel S World politics in a new era Harcourt Brace, 1995

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