Individual security can be a cause for concern. You can do some things to try to make yourself safer. You should try to avoid dark isolated areas late at night, or perhaps car-pool so that you are less likely to be alone. You may even consider taking a self-defence course.
If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, you can contact the free, confidential, sexual assault centre at the Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton (telephone 9550 2289, twenty-four hours). The centre can help you with any questions you may have, such as whether you should report the crime; whether you are pregnant or have a sexually transmitted disease as a result of the attack; and what you will face if you decide to go to court. Any victims of an assault should contact an emergency facility to receive any treatment necessary and obtain information on counselling services if needed.
If you are a victim of or a witness to a crime, or if you see any suspicious activity on campus, contact Security immediately - (BH) telephone 9905 3059 or (AH) 9905 2054. In an emergency dial 333 on any internal telephone or, if you are in a building with a red emergency telephone, simply lift the handset to contact Security. Assistance and support is available twenty-four hours a day.
A free security bus service runs on Clayton campus in the evenings Monday to Thursday. Bus stops are clearly marked at main entrances and at each other location. You may ask to be driven to your car. The first service leaves the Sir Louis Matheson Library at 5.30 pm. Buses run at thirty-minute intervals until the 10.15 pm pickup at the Sir Louis Matheson Library. From 7 pm the bus will pick up for the Blackburn Road car park. At 11.05 pm the bus will pick up from the Computer Centre and travel to Huntingdale Station if required. The pickup times may vary slightly according to demand. The bus will stop if you flag it down, but its regular route and timetable are available from the Union inquiry desk or Security and Traffic.
Security patrols are available each night to escort you to your car, bus loop, hall of residence or other location on campus. Telephone the Gatehouse (internal) 52054 or 52064.
Caulfield has a security bus system, which leaves on demand from the gatehouse and will take you to your car, even if the car is off campus. It operates from 5.30 pm to approximately 10.30 pm. This campus is very well lit, and there are twenty-four-hour security patrols who carry mobile telephones. If you need help, pick up the blue phone near the gatehouse and press the button or dial 32131 on any internal telephone.
Gippsland currently has thirty-two emergency telephones (more are to be installed). These are located externally on buildings and throughout the campus grounds and carparks. In the event of an emergency and with the push of a button you will be in immediate contact with the campus Emergency Response Group. Dialling 333 internally or 22 6999 externally will also activate this group.
The caretaking staff at Gippsland also provide an escort service from buildings to carparks. Telephone (internal) 26662.
All buildings are electronically locked at 6 pm each evening, and there is security lighting around the buildings.
Security officers are available to provide an escort service from buildings to carparks. They can be contacted by pressing the button on the white security telephone that is located at the main entrance to each building or by dialling 44318 (internal) or 9904 4318 (external).
![]() | Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |