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Writing practices/reading theories: Ponge's prose and literary theory

Philip Anderson

8 or 12 points
* One 2-hour seminar per week
* First semester
* Clayton

Objectives Students completing this subject should have developed an understanding of Francis Ponge's writing practice, his own theorisation of it and the ways in which it has been and can be read in the light of literary theory and critical practice from phenomenology to post-structuralism. They should have developed their ability to process and apply a range of theoretical writing, understanding the connections and conflicts which traverse it.

Synopsis Francis Ponge (1899-1989) is considered to be one of the greatest practitioners of the prose poem in the twentieth century. His writing practice is, however, on the edge of literary convention, assuming the contradiction which can still be read in the concept of prose poetry. Students will be engaged in reading a range of Ponge's texts/metatexts across the totality of his production, a range of critical writing on Ponge (from Sartre to Derrida), and a range of critical theory that can be appliedto the reading of Ponge (eg Althusser, Serres, Deleuze, Johnson). They will develop readings of Ponge's texts informed by their understanding and evaluation of the critical and theory texts they read.

Assessment (8 points) Seminar paper (1000 words): 10%
* Minor essay (2000 words): 30%
* Major essay (4000 words): 60%

Assessment (12 points) Two seminar papers (1000 words each): 20%
* Minor essay (2000 words): 30%
* Major essay (5000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Ponge F Texts supplied by department

Recommended reading

Deleuze G Mille Plateaux Minuit

Derrida J Signsponge/Signéponge Columbia U P

Gleize J-M Francis Ponge Seuil

Harland R Superstructuralism Methuen

Johnson B Défigurations du langage poétique Flammarion

Richard J-P Onze études sur la poésie moderne Seuil

Riffaterre M Sémiotique de la poésie Seuil

Riffaterre M La production du texte Seuil

Sartre J-P Situations 1 Gallimard

Serres M Le Parasite Grasset

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Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
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Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996