MONASH: Australia's International University

Law Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



While the information provided in this handbook was correct as at the time of its publication, Monash University reserves the right to alter procedures, fees and regulations should the need arise. Students should carefully read all official correspondence, the Daily news at Clayton campus (available in the Union building), the student newspapers and the official university noticeboards to be aware of changes to the information contained herein.

The inclusion in a handbook of details of a course in no way creates an obligation on the part of the university to teach it in any given year, or to teach it in the manner described. The university reserves the right to discontinue or vary courses at any time without notice.

Students should always check with the relevant faculty officers in planning their courses. Some courses and subjects are described which may alter later or may not in fact be offered due to insufficient enrolments or changes in teaching personnel.

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