Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



  1. Department of Computer Technology
  2. Department of Information Systems

Department of Computer Technology

Profile of the department

The department's area of interest is the underlying technology of computing systems. It therefore embraces computer hardware, computer operating systems, data communications and database design and management. Graduates who specialise in these areas typically find employment as network designers, network managers, database designers, database administrators or data mangers. Others may gain employment as computer operations managers. Most would spend some early part of their career working as analyst/programmers, project team leaders and, possibly, project managers.


The department's courses and subjects have been designed with an eye to the needs of graduates attempting to gain employment in commercial computing. To that end, subjects are designed to provide students with a balanced mixture of theory and practical experience. As a result, students entering the industry should be immediately productive in most organisations, or require only minimal additional training.

For undergraduate study, the department offers subjects in either a major sequence in computer technology or a minor sequence within the Bachelor of Computing course offered on the Caulfield campus. It also offers subjects within other undergraduate courses that incorporate computer technology subjects, particularly the Bachelor of Information Management.

For postgraduate study, the department presents a wide range of subjects in the Graduate Diploma in Computing, the Graduate Diploma in Business Technology, the Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, and the Master of Computing courses. The department also provides for students undertaking the Master of Computing by research, and for PhD studies.


Database technology

Object-oriented database technology; object management in object-oriented databases and programming environments; transaction management in OODBMS; OODBMS query languages; schema evolution; schema versioning.

Academic staff: Dr N Craske

Deductive database using an SQL filter classification scheme.

Academic staff: Dr G Martin, Mr R Simpson

Data mining in large commercial databases.

Academic staff: Dr G Martin, Ms K Muntz

Transaction-driven database design; performance modelling of DBMS; SQL preprocessing and optimisation techniques.

Academic staff: Professor B Srinivasan, Mr M Nolan

Distributed database technology

Distributed databases, distributed DBMS commit protocols.

Academic staff: Professor B Srinivasan, Associate Professor J Daly

Resource sharing issues and distributed computing.

Academic staff: Mr S Giles

Graphical interface research

Satellite navigation systems and visual map displays.

Academic staff: Dr G Martin, Mr S Giles

Graphical user interface research for applications and operating systems.

Academic staff: Mr B Sier

Databases and information retrieval

Semantic justification of normal form-based designs; transaction-driven database design, knowledge-based modelling for information acquisition and retrieval.

Academic staff: Professor B Srinivasan

Data retrieval and manipulation

Archiving and retrieval of massive data archives; framework models as classifiers in corporate knowledge bases.

Academic staff: Dr G Martin

Performance issues in string matching algorithms for text databases; use of SGML structured documents to generate hypertext retrieval systems; text retrieval, natural language.

Academic staff: Mr D Foott

Data compression techniques using neural nets; CD-ROM based technology.

Academic staff: Mr J Carpenter

Knowledge processing and data generation.

Academic staff: Mr J Ceddia

CASE technology.

Academic staff: Dr G Martin, Ms K Bay

Communications and related research

Security and privacy in distributed DBMS; ISDN communications; data communications; cryptography; interactive voice response systems - dialog design issues; voice processing technologies as an interface to database systems.

Academic staff: Mr C Avram

Distributed fax service issues. Interprocess communication across computer networks.

Academic staff: Mr P Granville

For further information, contact the postgraduate coordinator, Dr Noel Craske, telephone (03) 903 2051.

Objectives - Major in computer technology

The major in computer technology is the department's principal undergraduate offering. The major is a sequence of subjects available to students studying for a Bachelor of Computing at Caulfield; the subjects are also available to students in a range of other courses at Caulfield and on other campuses.

The aims of the major are:

+ to provide undergraduate students in computing and other disciplines with the intellectual tools to enable them to apply state-of-the-art knowledge, skills, methods and techniques to the management of computer hardware, operating systems, database management systems and data communication systems;

+ to provide the theoretical understanding which will be a foundation for learning and using new methods in the future, and the attitude which sees the constant updating of knowledge as required professional behaviour;

+ to develop the students' communication and critical reasoning skills;

+ to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental ethical issues associated with practising as computing systems officers.

Students completing this sequence will have knowledge and understanding of:

+ computer hardware, computer architecture and computer operating systems used in building information systems;

+ the application, operation, security and management of database management systems and databases;

+ the application, operation and management of data communication systems;

+ the content of appropriate standards and their application in computer technology;

+ the basic economic, legal and ethical issues of computer technology.

They will be able to:

+ apply fundamental principles in the performance of the various computer technology activities;

+ develop and use appropriate tools covering all activities of computer technology;

+ evaluate new technologies and tools to determine their applicability in a particular context;

+ formulate strategic plans for an organisation in relation to its computer technology needs;

+ develop innovative solutions to technological problems;

+ clearly communicate the nature of, and the reasons for, recommending a computer system design in terms accessible to a range of clients including computer system users, application program developers, peer technology specialists and technology managers;

+ undertake research and development tasks.

They will have developed attitudes which allow them to:

+ act professionally as computer systems officers, database administrators, system administrators and systems analysts

+ appreciate the ethical and social issues involved in the storage and transmission of data.

Department of Information Systems

Profile of the department

The department is based at Caulfield but teaches on both the Caulfield and Clayton campuses.

Information systems at Monash has a strong professional orientation. The majority of academic staff have significant industrial experience and the department enjoys close links with industry through its Associate program, industry-sponsored staff positions, cooperative research and consulting activities. The department's research program is also closely linked to industry practice.


Information systems is the study of how people working in organisations can use information technology to achieve their goals. Much of the discipline is concerned with describing and analysing complex organisational problems. It is also concerned with systems development - the design and implementation of systems which involve people, technology, information and organisational procedures working systematically together.

Courses in information systems cover the planning, analysis, design and management of information systems. Courses draw upon a number of reference disciplines, including computer science, psychology, economics, and management. In the study of information systems human factors are at least as important as technical factors. A systems analyst must be able to work in a variety of industrial settings and must communicate effectively with clients, users and programmers.

Courses address the core of information systems practice - the modelling of systems. While other professionals, such as engineers, model physical systems (bridges, machines, buildings), systems analysts use a variety of modelling techniques to define organisational functions, processes, data and behaviour.

For undergraduate study the department offers subjects in either a major or minor sequence within the Bachelor of Computing course at the Caulfield campus, and to a lesser extent within other undergraduate courses such as science, arts and business. All majors are accepted as qualifications to gain level 1 membership of the Australian Computer Society. The department has an active honours program with students undertaking research across all the areas described below.

A range of graduate studies is offered by the department. Coursework programs include the Graduate Diploma in Information Systems and the Master of Information Systems. Research programs include the Master of Computing and the Doctor of Philosophy.

Career options for graduates with a major in information systems typically occur within the information systems departments of large organisations such as banks, insurance companies, government departments and semi-government instrumentalities. Career opportunities include applications programming, systems programming, systems analysis, project management and a range of specialist positions. In smaller organisations the employment positions are often less specialised and include a number of the above roles.


The department is one of the most active information systems research departments in Australia. Research in information systems has a strong professional orientation and is aimed at improving the development and use of information systems in organisations. The department's research program is centred around two research groups. Both groups have large numbers of research and honours students and are well known internationally.

The department maintains close links with the national and international information systems research community through presenting at and organising major conferences, and by working with scholars from other universities. It also has close links to industry with senior information systems professionals holding Associate appointments, by means of joint research projects and through specialised professional development courses.

Decision support systems

The Decision Support Systems Research Group, led by Professor David Arnott, is investigating DSS development methods, executive information systems, decision aids, intelligent decision support (including knowledge-based systems and neural networks), and managerial and organisational issues in DSS. This group takes a strong behavioural view of decision support.

Academic staff: Professor D Arnott, Dr F Burstein, Ms H Smith, Ms I Jagielska, Dr G Wittig, Mr P O'Donnell, Ms J Pereira

Information systems strategy and modelling

The Information Systems Strategy and Modelling Research Group, led by Dr Paula Swatman, is investigating inter-organisational systems, electronic commerce, strategic systems, requirements modelling, soft systems methods and CASE.

Academic staff: Dr P Swatman, Mr G Shanks, Ms S Lichtenstein, Mr M Atchison, Mr A Barnden, Ms P Darke, Ms C Rodrigues, Mr B Hodgson

Other research

Individual members of the department are also involved in research relating to human-computer interfaces, quality management, systems design, information systems security and geographic information systems.

In the first instance, prospective research students should contact the academic services officer, Miss Karen Young.

Further information

Further information including the brochures listed below may be obtained from the department's academic services officer, Level 7, 26 Sir John Monash Drive, Caulfield Campus, telephone (03) 9903 2612, fax (03) 9903 2005. Information may also be requested electronically from

+ Minor in Information Systems

+ Major in Information Systems

+ Honours in Information Systems

+ Graduate Diploma of Information Systems

+ Master of Information Systems

+ Master of Computing by Research in Information Systems

+ Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems

+ Decision Support Systems Research Group

+ Information Systems Strategy and Modelling Research Group.

Current details about the department's teaching and research are displayed at URL:

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