- BIO1011 Blueprints for life
- BIO1022 Life on Earth
- BIO1042 Life in the environment
- BMH4100 Biomedicine research project
- BMH4110 Biomedicine research project part-time A
- BMH4120 Biomedicine research project part-time B
- BMH4200 Advanced studies in biomedicine
- BMH4210 Advanced studies in biomedicine part-time A
- BMH4220 Advanced studies in biomedicine part-time B
- CHM1011 Chemistry 1
- CHM1022 Chemistry 2
- CHM1051 Chemistry 1 advanced
- CHM1052 Chemistry 2 advanced
- PHS1001 Foundation physics
- PHS1002 Physics for engineering
- PHS1011 Classical physics and relativity
- PHS1022 Fields and quantum physics
- PHY2011 Neuroscience of communication, sensory and control systems
- PHY2032 Endocrine control systems
- PHY2042 Body systems physiology
- PHY3012 Integrative neuroscience
- PHY3072 Exercise physiology and metabolism
- PHY3102 Nutrition, metabolism and body weight
- PHY3111 Sensory and cognitive neuroscience
- PHY3171 Clinical and experimental cardiovascular physiology
- PHY3181 Hormones and reproduction
- PHY3990 Action in physiology research project