- 2019



Commencement year

This area of study entry applies to students commencing this course in 2019 and should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook.

Any units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the component of any bachelors double degrees.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Managing faculty

Faculty of Science

Offered by

Malaysia School of Science


Associate Professor Adeline Ting Su Yien



Medicinal chemistry is a rapidly advancing field of chemistry focussing on the design, development, biological activities and properties of drugs. Medicinal chemists seek to find new active chemical compounds, particularly from natural products such as rainforest plants and microbes, and also to design novel synthetic compounds.

Medicinal chemistry at Monash University Malaysia provides broad knowledge in organic chemistry, synthetic chemistry, analytical chemistry and pharmaceutical science. Students learn about the design and chemical synthesis of bio-active molecules and pharmaceuticals with the aim to discover and develop new drugs and therapeutic agents for clinical use. The importance of understanding the interaction of chemical structure in biological systems and the experience of hands-on experiments which involve recent research advances in this area will be emphasised in this major. The major in medicinal chemistry is synergistic with the Malaysian National Key Economic area in health care comprising three sectors: pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, medical technology and health services.

Graduates with a major in medicinal chemistry find employment in research institutes and companies, universities, and the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.


Medicinal chemistry is listed in S2000 Bachelor of Science at Malaysia as a major.


In addition to achieving the broad outcomes of their course, students successfully completing this major will be able to:

  • demonstrate a broad understanding of scientific principles, concepts and skills in the major areas of chemistry; including synthetic chemistry, medicinal and biological chemistry, analytical chemistry, and pharmacology
  • demonstrate understanding of the mechanisms of drug action and related principles of affinity, efficacy and potency
  • collect, organise, analyse, evaluate and interpret chemical and pharmacological data using appropriate statistical and computational tools, and analytical and critical thinking skills.


Major requirements (48 points)

12 points at level 1 and 18 points at each of level 2 and level 3.

Students complete the following eight units (48 points):

  • CHM1051 Chemistry 1 advanced
  • CHM1052 Chemistry 2 advanced
  • CHM2911 Inorganic and organic chemistry
  • CHM2922 Spectroscopy and analytical chemistry
  • PHY2810 Physiology of human body systems or PHY2820 Physiology of human health
  • CHM3922 Advanced organic chemistry
  • CHM3930 Medicinal chemistry
  • PHA3801 Principles of pharmacology

Requirements for progressing to honours and other further studies

Students must meet the entry requirements for S3701 Bachelor of Science (Honours) or S5003 Postgraduate Diploma in Science.

Students must also complete prerequisite study as per the intended discipline. Refer to the honours prerequisiteshonours prerequisites (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/2019handbooks/undergrad/science-honours-prerequisites.pdf) table.

Relevant courses


Single degrees

Successful completion of this area of study can be counted towards meeting the requirements for the following single degree:

  • S2000 Bachelor of Science

Students in other single bachelor's degrees may be eligible to complete the major by using 48 points of their free electives.