In the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) you will develop the knowledge and skills to practice as a professional engineer in one of the following branches of engineering:
- Aerospace engineering*
- Chemical engineering
- Civil engineering
- Environmental engineering*
- Electrical and computer systems engineering
- Geological engineering*
- Materials engineering*
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechatronics engineering
- Mining engineering*
- Oil and gas engineering*
- Renewable energy engineering*
- Software engineering
* Not available at Monash University Malaysia.
Your studies commence with the common first year. Completion of the common first year will develop your foundational skills for engineering while you sample from the various branches of engineering. In this year you will develop your skills and knowledge of fundamental engineering through completion of practical hands-on design-and-build activities. At the conclusion of first year, after experiencing the fundamentals of each discipline, you nominate your branch of engineering for further study.
After specialising in the second year you will develop an in-depth understanding of the knowledge, techniques, tools and resources appropriate for your branch of engineering, as well as skills and knowledge of the application of engineering methods required to conduct, design and manage engineering projects.
The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) is accredited by Engineers Australia at the level of Professional Engineer and by the Engineering Accreditation Council of Malaysia. The course is recognised under the Washington AccordWashington Accord ( enabling our engineering graduates to work worldwide in any country that is also a signatory to the Accordsignatory to the Accord (, without the need to re-qualify. Application will be made to Engineers Australia for the accreditation of geological engineering, oil and gas engineering and renewable energy engineering. Further details about professional recognition can be found at the Professional recognition of coursesProfessional recognition of courses ( page in this Handbook.
This Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) is also offered in Malaysia. Find out more about studying this course and the list of specialisations available at Monash University Malaysia.
Double degrees
The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) can be taken in combination with the following courses:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce Specialist
- Bachelor of Computer Science (only with the specialisations of electrical and computer systems engineering and software engineering)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (only with the specialisations of electrical and computer systems engineering and software engineering)
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Architectural Design (only with the specialisation of civil engineering)
- Bachelor of Design (only with the specialisations of industrial design and mechanical engineering)
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (only with the engineering specialisation of chemical engineering and the pharmaceutical science specialisation of formulation science).
This will lead to the award of two degrees: your specialist engineering degree and the degree awarded by the partner course. Students should refer to the course entry for the partner course in their double degree for the requirements of the other degree.
Note: Not all specialisations are available in each double degree course. Mining engineering, oil and gas engineering, renewable energy engineering and geological engineering are not available in all double degree courses.
Aerospace engineering
Availability: Clayton
Aerospace engineers design, develop and maintain flight vehicles. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in aerodynamics, aerostructures, avionics, propulsion, flight control and material science.
Chemical engineering
Availability: Clayton, Malaysia
Chemical engineers transform raw materials into useful and commercial end products. This involves the research of raw materials and their properties, design and development of equipment and the evaluation of operating processes. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in chemistry and chemical thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, material and energy balances, as well as particle technology and process design.
Civil engineering
Availability: Clayton, Malaysia
Civil engineers design, construct, maintain and operate infrastructure for the benefit of society. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in mechanics; transport, traffic and road engineering; building structures and technology; design of concrete and masonry structures; bridge design and assessment; geomechanics; and hydrology.
Electrical and computer systems engineering
Availability: Clayton, Malaysia
Electrical and computer systems engineers develop electronic solutions to underpin a broad range of development supporting every aspect of engineering. In particular, graduates often employ their skills in the biomedical, computer systems, electronics, electrical power engineering, robotics and telecommunications industries. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in electrical and electronic engineering including: the fundamentals of circuits; electronic signals and signal processing; digital electronics and systems on a chip; and the design of large-scale power and telecommunications systems.
Environmental engineering
Availability: Clayton
Environmental engineers create innovative solutions for sustainable development. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in ecology and biodiversity; material and energy balances; thermodynamics; materials properties and recycling; hydrology; environmental risk and impact assessment; management systems; energy and the environment; and sustainability and the law.
Geological engineering
Availability: Clayton
Geological engineering is an interdisciplinary field, in which principles of geoscience are used to solve engineering and environmental problems. It connects geology to numerous forms of engineering that include mining, oil and gas, civil, tunnelling and renewable energy production (e.g. hydro-power and geothermal energy).
Materials engineering
Availability: Clayton
Materials engineering is all about making new materials and improving existing ones - making things stronger, lighter, more functional, sustainable and cost-effective. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in using, analysing and creating crystal structures; thermodynamics and phase equilibria; functional materials; polymers and ceramics; materials durability, characterisation and modelling; and processing and engineering of metals and ceramics.
Mechanical engineering
Availability: Clayton, Malaysia
Mechanical engineering focuses on turning energy into motion and power - any practical device that moves has required a mechanical engineer to design it. The discipline covers the generation, conversion, transmission and use of mechanical and thermal energy, and includes the design, construction and operation of devices and systems. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics while developing novel solutions through engineering design and systems and control.
Mechatronics engineering
Availability: Clayton, Malaysia
Mechatronics engineering combines mechanical engineering, computing and electronics to create functional smart products. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in electrical systems; mechanics; systems engineering; sensors and artificial perception; thermo-fluids and power systems; analogue electronics; robotics; control systems; and manufacturing.
Mining engineering
Availability: Clayton
Mining engineering involves the extraction and processing of ores from the earth. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in all aspects of exploring, planning, extracting and processing minerals, including environmental impact assessment and management; mine system design, management and economics; geology; and geomechanics.
Oil and gas engineering
Availability: Clayton
Oil and gas engineers work in a variety of areas associated with hydrocarbon exploration and extraction. Typically, an oil and gas engineer specialises in one area (i.e., development, production or reservoir management) but needs to be mindful of the entire process. You will develop a strong knowledge of the full value chain and alternative fuels.
Renewable energy engineering
Availability: Clayton
Renewable energy engineers focus on identifying and developing clean and sustainable systems for electricity generation. This includes a broad knowledge of renewable energy sources and technologies and the ability to assess the feasibility of alternative energy options and make recommendations based on site specific resource characteristics.
Software engineering
Availability: Clayton, Malaysia
Software engineering comprises the core principles consistent in software construction and maintenance: fundamental software processes and life-cycles; mathematical foundations of software engineering; requirements analysis; software engineering methodologies and standard notations; principles of software architecture and re-use; software quality frameworks and validation; software development; and maintenance environments and tools. Current industry-strength programming languages, technologies and systems feature highly in the practical components, electives and projects of the course.