This course allows students who are enrolled in course 4502 Bachelor of Public Health to undertake a public and health science honours program as a fourth year of study. Graduates from other disciplines with equivalent studies may also be eligible for entry into this honours course.
Supervision of honours projects will be provided by staff from the School of Health Sciences at Monash South Africa (MSA). It is expected that a range of local, national, and internationally-focussed honours projects will be available to students.
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 8 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 8 and Monash Graduate Attributes (
Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that graduates will be able to:
- critically examine contemporary public health issues within a global context
- critically review the scientific literature relevant to their discipline
- describe the processes involved in the design, development and implementation of a research project
- develop a proposal for a research project and apply for ethics committee approval
- execute and analyse a research project, or a set of studies
- be proficient in computer based data collection, manipulation and analysis
- write up scientific work in a report suitable for publication
- effectively communicate their research findings to a specialist scientific audience in oral and written format
- develop a range of technical skills appropriate to their project.
Students who have completed a bachelor degree or similar qualification, other than 4502 Bachelor of Public Health (BPH), may be granted admission into the course if the qualification is judged to be equivalent to the BPH by the MSA School of Health Sciences.
This course consists of three core units.