Enrolment in a Doctor of Philosophy involves the independent investigation of a research problem that has been formulated by the student. The research the student undertakes will need to make a significant contribution to the discipline in which the student is enrolled. Doctoral students are supported by a minimum of two supervisors throughout their enrolment.
Students are also required to complete training activities as part of the Monash doctoral programMonash doctoral program ( These discipline-specific and professional development activities are designed to impart skills and knowledge that will help students to conduct their research.
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 10, the Bologna Cycle 3 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 10, the Bologna Cycle 3 and Monash Graduate Attributes (
Successful completion of the program will signify that the holder has completed a course of postgraduate training in research under proper academic supervision and has submitted a thesis that the examiners have declared to be a significant contribution to knowledge and which demonstrates the student's capacity to carry out independent original research.
Conditions of enrolment
Students are to refer to the Handbook for Doctoral DegreesHandbook for Doctoral Degrees ( for all policies and procedures relating to their enrolment.
This course consists of:
- a research and thesis component
- a practical component
- a professional development training program.
Students must, in consultation with and under the direct supervision of a member/s of the academic staff:
1. carry out a program of research on an agreed topic approved by the school or department of enrolment in the student's chosen discipline for a specified period, including attending and/or presenting at seminars and other related activities as indicated by the relevant department/school
2. submit for assessment a thesis component which meets the requirements of the examiners consisting of:
- a live performance of up to 120 minutes in duration (which is to be recorded by the School of Music)
- a written thesis of 25,000 to 30,000 words presented as a bound volume accompanied by the recording (i.e. CD, DVD) of the performance. Where the recording cannot be affixed within the covers of the bound volume, the various items should be submitted in a folio box.
Submission of the thesis based on or partially based on conjointly published or unpublished workconjointly published or unpublished work ( may be permitted.
3. satisfactorily complete the following program of professional development training:
Students are required to undertake regular progress milestones to support them in conducting research of an appropriate quality, originality and depth as required by their course of study, in accordance with the Graduate Research Progress Management policyGraduate Research Progress Management policy ( and supporting procedures.