- 2017


Postgraduate research area

Commencement year

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Managing faculty

Faculty of Information Technology


Visit the Faculty Research OfficeFaculty Research Office (http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/research/contact.html)

This program provides Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students with the opportunity to focus on developing knowledge and expertise in their chosen discipline, as well as developing professional skills that will support their career ambitions.

Each student's research will be supported by the development of a range of skills that will help them to become more efficient researchers, ultimately improving the quality of the research and developing generic/transferable skills of value to prospective employers.

This program is also applicable to students studying externally.

Program requirements

All research students will be required to undertake compulsory training in the following areas:

  • Monash Graduate Research Induction (online)
  • Research Integrity (online)
  • faculty induction, including occupational health and safety (where required).

Coursework component

All MPhil and PhD students must complete the following coursework units prior to their progress review:

  • FIT5144 Research strategies and skills
  • FIT6021 Advanced research methods

In addition, students who have not completed prior approved formal research methods training must also complete:

Students may also be directed or encouraged to attend and make presentations at various forums throughout their enrolment.

Relevant courses

  • 3337 Master of Philosophy
  • 0190 Doctor of Philosophy