- 2017



Commencement year

This area of study entry applies to students commencing this course in 2017 and should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook.

Any units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the component of any bachelors double degrees.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Managing faculty

Faculty of Business and Economics


South Africa

Knowledge and understanding of accounting is an essential requirement for successful management. The wide range of accounting units offered by the Department of Accounting caters for aspirants seeking success in the accounting profession; and others, majoring in related disciplines, seeking to be competent users of accounting reports. The area of study includes units which concentrate attention on the preparation and audit of financial reports for managers, owners and other interested parties. Validated and effective financial reports enable performance measurement and control of individuals within teams, corporations, non-government organisations, governments and other entities.


Accounting is offered in the Bachelor of Business Science at Monash South Africa as a major.


In addition to achieving the broad outcomes of their course broadly, students successfully completing this major will be able to:

  • integrate, and critically apply, theoretical and technical accounting knowledge and skills to solve routine accounting problems.


No more than 12 points at level 1 may be credited to a major and at least 18 points must be credited to the major at level 3.

To complete the accounting major in the Bachelor of Business Science degree, students must complete the following eight units (48 points):

Note: This major does not meet the requirements for professional accreditation for the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Relevant courses

Successful completion of this major can be counted towards meeting the requirements for the following single degrees:

  • 4415 Bachelor of Business Science
  • 4418 Bachelor of Business Science

Students in other single bachelor's degrees may be eligible to complete the major by using 48 points of their free electives.