

Monash University

Undergraduate - Course

Students who commenced study in 2015 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

print version

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2015 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Engineering.

If you are seeking to commence your studies in 2016, please visit our new Find A Course for 2016.

Course code4644
Managing facultyEngineering
Partner facultyArts
Abbreviated titleBEnvEng(Hons)/BA
CRICOS code075587C
Total credit points required252
Standard duration of study (years)5 years FT, 10 years PT

Students will normally expect to complete the course in five years. This is achieved by undertaking one additional unit (above the standard four units - 24 credit points) per semester twice in the later stages of the degree. The maximum time for completion of the course is 10 years, including any periods of intermission.

Study mode and locationOn-campus (Clayton)
Admission, fee and application details
Contact details

Engineering: visit contactscontacts ( page

Arts: visit

Course coordinator



  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.


This double-degree course provides an excellent opportunity to combine studies in arts with environmental engineering. In the double-degree course structure, restrictions have been imposed in terms of prescribed units to ensure that students pursue studies that suitably equip them for the subsequent levels in arts and engineering.


Refer to the outcomes for the single degrees 4643 Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) and 0002 Bachelor of Arts.

Vacation work/industrial experience

The Faculty of Engineering strongly recommends that all undergraduate students enrolled in four, five and six year engineering single or double degrees complete 12 weeks of engineering vacation employment. Vacation employment is an integral part of student development, and is an excellent avenue to prepare for future engineering careers by gaining experience in an industrial setting and establishing industry networks.

Professional recognition

Refer to the Faculty of Engineering's Professional recognition of coursesProfessional recognition of courses ( page in this Handbook.


This course consists of:

(a.) 156 points of environmental engineering studies composed of core and elective units, and foundation units if required, plus a choice of streams at levels four and five from:

  • water and land management
  • transport and the built environment

(b.) 96 points of arts studies composed of major and minor studies, and additional units which may be chosen to form a second minor.

In the first level of study, students must complete engineering units worth 36 points and 12 points of units in an arts discipline. Thereafter candidates undertake further studies in arts and studies in environmental engineering.

In selecting units in both arts and engineering, students should be aware of any constraints imposed by timetabling and the need to satisfy prerequisites for later level units. Most students will probably undertake some engineering and some arts units in each level of study.


Refer to the course mapcourse map ( for guidance on how to plan your unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Environmental engineering component

Students complete 156 points of environmental engineering studies:

  • ATS2548 Environmental policy and management
  • BIO2011 Ecology and biodiversity
  • BIO2040 Conservation biology
  • BTC3100 Sustainability and the law
  • CHE2162 Material and energy balances
  • CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
  • CIV2263 Water systems
  • CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
  • CIV3248 Groundwater and environmental geomechanics
  • CIV3264 Urban water and wastewater systems
  • ECC2800 Prosperity, poverty and sustainability in a globalised world
  • ENE1621 Environmental engineering
  • ENE2503 Materials properties and recycling
  • ENE3048 Energy and the environment
  • ENE3606 The air environment
  • ENE3608 Environmental impact assessment and management systems
  • ENE4607 Environmental risk assessment
  • ENG1001 Engineering design: lighter, faster, stronger
  • ENG1002 Engineering design: cleaner, safer, smarter
  • ENG1060 Computing for engineers
  • ENG1091 Mathematics for engineering
  • ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A
  • 18 points of core units in a stream
  • 6-point foundation unit or elective in the student's chosen stream

Foundation units

The large majority of students entering the faculty have completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), and references in the following paragraphs are to the prerequisite VCE subjects. Some domestic and international students enter the faculty with equivalent qualifications, and advice about unit choice for students with qualifications other than the VCE may be obtained from the faculty administration offices. Foundation units are required for students who have not completed appropriate VCE studies.

Students who have not completed VCE units 3 and 4 of Chemistry or Physics and/or Specialist mathematics are required to select none or one one appropriate foundation unit from:


Students complete core units comprising topics, project and design elements, and elective/s (if required) in one of the available streams.

Core units
  • CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
  • ENE4603 Environmental project A
  • ENE4212 Environmental design
Water and land management electives
  • CIV2207 Computer and water systems modelling
  • CIV3204 Engineering investigations
  • CIV3247 Geomechanics II
  • CIV4248 Ground hazards and environmental geomechanics
  • CIV4261 Integrated urban water management
  • CIV4268 Water resources management
  • MTE4593 Materials and environment
  • MTE4599 Materials for energy technologies

Other units may be chosen with the approval of the course director.

Transport and the built environment electives
  • CIV2206 Mechanics of solids
  • CIV2225 Design of steel and timber structures
  • CIV2226 Design of concrete and masonry structures
  • CIV3221 Building structures and technology
  • CIV3247 Geomechanics II
  • CIV3283 Road engineering
  • CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
  • CIV4235 Advanced structural design
  • CIV4249 Foundation engineering
  • CIV4283 Transport planning
  • CIV4284 Transport systems
  • MTE4593 Materials and environment
  • MTE4599 Materials for energy technologies

Other units may be chosen with the approval of the course director.

Arts component

Students must complete 96 points of arts studies.

For all information and the requirements for this component refer to 0002 Bachelor of Arts.

Alternative exit(s)

Students may exit from the double-degree program and graduate with only one of the single degrees providing all requirements for that degree have been met.


Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours)