

Monash University

Postgraduate - Course

Students who commenced study in 2012 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

print version

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Engineering

Managing facultyEngineering
Abbreviated titleMInfrastructEng&Mgt
Total credit points required72
Standard duration of study (years)1.5 years FT, 3 years PT
Study mode and locationOff-campus (Clayton)
Admission, fee and application details
Contact details


Course coordinator



  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the handbook are not available for study in the current year.
  • International students are only able to study this course in their country of residence.


The program in infrastructure engineering and management is a response to the growing need for engineers with broad awareness of the characteristics and significance of infrastructure, including its technological, economic and social impact. At the same time, the program outlines the state-of-the-art of infrastructure engineering and management as it may be applied to the solution of real problems in the planning, design, management and operation of facilities.

The course is aimed at giving students a thorough understanding of the nature of infrastructure and its operation and management. To achieve these aims, the development of appropriate analytical skills and practical knowledge is stressed, together with recognition of the role of other disciplines in tackling infrastructure-related issues.

The course is primarily aimed at applicants with a few years' postgraduate experience who wish to have formal education in this field. Engineers working with public transport authorities, or in local government, and people with an interest in infrastructure planning or research will find the course beneficial.

The masters program is designed and administered with the assistance of professionals in the field. Through these contributions, which includes representatives of government departments, local government, research institutions and private firms with an interest in infrastructure, the department is kept abreast of needs and opportunities related to infrastructure education.


Graduates will:

  • understand the need to plan, develop and maintain infrastructure at a high level
  • evaluate alternative projects and policies in a rigorous manner
  • plan and execute the development of infrastructure projects
  • communicate their arguments effectively to teams and clients and critically evaluate their work and the work of others
  • be able to recognise the importance of whole of life considerations in achieving the best operation of infrastructure.

Credit for prior studies

A maximum of 25 per cent of course requirements for previous postgraduate level studies not considered for any awards may be credited for prior study. Credits or exemptions will not be granted for undergraduate qualifications.

Students entering the masters program with a four-year degree in engineering, science, applied science or appropriate equivalent degrees will be eligible for a maximum of 24 credit points advanced standing.


Entry based on a four-year degree requires completion of a total of 48 credit points (8 units) study in addition to 24 credit points of credit.

  • four core units
  • up to three units from the list of engineering electives
  • up to three units from the list of business and economics electives

Entry based on a three-year degree requires completion of a total of 72 credit points (12 units):

  • four core units
  • up to six units from the list of engineering electives
  • up to five units from the list of business and economics electives


Core units

  • CIV5310 Infrastructure project and policy evaluation
  • CIV5311 Infrastructure project management
  • CIV5312 Asset management I
  • CIV5313 Asset management II

Engineering electives

Select one to six units from:

  • CIV5261 Flood management in urban and rural environments
  • CIV5262 Planning and design of urban stormwater management measures
  • CIV5263 Hydraulics and sewerage systems
  • CIV5264 Management of water resources and related infrastructure
  • CIV5301 Traffic engineering fundamentals
  • CIV5302 Road traffic engineering and management
  • CIV5304 Intelligent transport systems
  • CIV5306 Road safety engineering
  • CIV5307 Parking policy and design

Business and economics electives

Select one to five units offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics coded 9xxx. Details of these units are available at

Total: 72 points

Alternative exit(s)

Students wishing to exit the Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management early may apply to graduate with course 3263 Graduate Diploma in Infrastructure Engineering and Management or course 3264 Graduate Certirficate in Infrastucture Engineering and Management upon completion of the required units for the relevant course.


Graduate Certificate in Infrastructure Engineering and Management
Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management