

Monash University

Undergraduate - Area of Study

Students who commenced study in 2012 should refer to this area of study entry for direction on the requirments; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your area of study.

print version

All areas of study information should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. The units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Science component of any bachelors double degrees.

Managing facultyFaculty of Science
Offered bySchool of Geography and Environmental Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
CoordinatorDr Steve Siems (School of Mathematical Sciences), Professor Nigel Tapper (School of Geography and Environmental Science)


  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the handbook are not available for study in the current year.


Atmospheric science explores the structure and evolution of the atmosphere, and includes the problems of forecasting the day-to-day weather, the climate and the role of both in environmental issues. The undergraduate program is designed to introduce the scientific principles behind these phenomena as well as provide a broad understanding of them. An interdisciplinary approach is essential in studying atmospheric science. The field draws on the strengths of environmental science, applied mathematics and physical geography; it involves applications of concepts in physics and chemistry. Modern scientific and computing techniques are employed to approach some of the fundamental problems facing our society. The discipline offers a balance of field work, data analysis, theoretical research and state-of-the-art modelling.

The atmospheric science program is offered jointly by the School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Geography and Environmental Science (in the Faculty of Arts).


On completion of the major sequence in atmospheric science students will:

  • have achieved a broad understanding of the physical theory of the Earth's atmosphere and its relation with climate and weather forecasting
  • have achieved an understanding of how physical theories of the atmosphere are constructed from basic principles and using mathematical analysis and numerical modelling
  • have acquired an insight into at least one broad area of atmospheric science such as clouds, weather forecasting, large-scale weather, climate variability, Australian atmospheric environment and the earth boundary layer
  • have learned a number of mathematical models and their applications in atmospheric science and weather forecasting
  • have learned a number of higher level atmospheric science methods and their applications
  • have developed skills in the effective use of mathematical computer software and spreadsheets
  • have developed, in the context of the discipline, the graduate attributes of effective communication, information and communication literacy, inquiry and critical thinking, and ethical, social and international understanding.
  • be prepared for a range of further learning and training in atmospheric science and other disciplines, including honours studies in atmospheric science
  • be suitable for employment, both national and international, in a range of areas requiring analytical and quantitative skills.


Level two

  • ATM2020 Climate dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans
  • ATM2030 Clouds, weather and forecasting
  • ATS2776 Climatology: Land, ecosystems and the atmosphere
  • ATS2779 Climate change and variability

Level three

  • ATM3040 Physical meteorology
  • ATM3050 Dynamical meteorology
  • ATS3558 Global change and the earth system
  • ATS3887 Designing urban futures: Urban climate, water and adaptation

Sequence requirements

Minor sequence in atmospheric science (24 points)

The level two units ATM2020 and ATM2030 have a co-requisite/pre-requisite of MTH1030.

Major sequence in atmospheric science (48 points)

  • a minor sequence in atmospheric science
  • at least two of ATM3040, ATM3050, ATS3558 or ATS3887
  • any remaining points to be made up from MTH3051, MTH3230, MTH3360 or the level two or three ATM or ATS units listed above, with at least 18 points of level three units

MTH2010 and MTH2032 must also be completed as corequisites/prerequisites for some of the level three units.

Requirements for honours in atmospheric science

  • 24 points of relevant level-three units, of which normally 18 points are atmospheric science units

Additional information

Level one

Students considering taking a major sequence in atmospheric science will need to complete a 12-point sequence of level-one mathematics (either MTH1020 and MTH1030, or MTH1030 and MTH2010). Also, as atmospheric science is a broadly based discipline, a level one unit in either physics or chemistry is recommended.

Level two

Students considering taking a major sequence in atmospheric science must complete the prerequisite mathematics unit MTH2010 and are strongly encouraged to take MTH2032 as well (as it is a prerequisite for MTH3360).

Level three

Students taking a major sequence in atmospheric science should take at least two of ATM3040, ATM3050, ATS3558 and ATS3887, although some substitution is allowed with the approval of the coordinator.


In addition to the requirements listed above, students must meet the entry requirements for the Science honours program relevant to their course of enrolment. See the entries for:

  • 2340 Bachelor of Environmental Science
  • 3520 Bachelor of Science Advanced with Honours
  • 0051 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science
  • 2188 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program)

Full details regarding the course structure for honours in this area of study are outlined in course 0051 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science.

Relevant courses

Single degrees

  • 2340 Bachelor of Environmental Science
  • 0050 Bachelor of Science
  • 3520 Bachelor of Science Advanced with Honours
  • 1120 Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program)

Double degrees

  • 0530 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
  • 3537 Bachelor of Arts (Global) and Bachelor of Science
  • 1469 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science
  • 3517 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Computer Science
  • 3711 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education
  • 1633 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education
  • 3278 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Science
  • 4609 Bachelor of Environmental Engineering and Bachelor of Science
  • 3282 Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering and Bachelor of Science
  • 0085 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering
  • 0086 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws

Honours degrees

  • 0051 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science
  • 2188 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program)