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Monash University Handbook 2011undergrad pharm-postgrad Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Postgraduate Handbook 2011 - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesPharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Postgraduate studiesFaculty information
Course information
Course-related policies and rulesIntroduction to the faculty - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesAbout the facultyFor more than 125 years, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (formerly the Victorian College of Pharmacy) has played a major role in pharmacy education, pharmaceutical sciences research and pharmacy practice research. It is one of Australia's leading schools of pharmacy. The faculty is located at Monash's Parkville campus, in close proximity to Melbourne’s CBD and other leading research organisations, residential colleges and teaching hospitals in the `Parkville strip'. The Parkville campus is home to the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences which comprises the largest and most experienced group of pharmaceutical research scientists in Australia. The campus has excellent research and teaching laboratories as well as a dedicated pharmaceutical science library and state of the art teaching facilities. The faculty has a proud record of education and research in the pharmaceutical sciences. It is one of Australia's leading schools of pharmacy, offering postgraduate coursework, professional qualifications and further education for the pharmacy profession, undergraduate, honours programs and research higher degrees in pharmacy and pharmaceutical science. Research profileLeading-edge research is conducted at the faculty within the structure of the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science. Staff have close links with researchers in other faculties of the university - as well as collaborations with other Australian and international universities, and national and international members of the pharmaceutical industry and profession. The faculty benchmarks its research effort against the best pharmacy schools in the world. It measures the quality of its research output in terms of the standing of its researchers, the level of funding attracted, publications in refereed scholarly journals, patent applications lodged, and the calibre of its research graduates. High-quality research facilities are available within the institute for students to undertake graduate work in experimental and theoretical areas of the pharmaceutical sciences. Areas of researchAll research activity and research training at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is positioned either within the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (MIPS) or within the Centre for Medicine Use and Safety (CMUS). Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (MIPS)Contributions from all research themes within the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science focus on the therapeutic areas of infectious disease (including anti-bacterial, anti-viral and antiparasitics), the generation of drugs for neglected disease such as malaria, cancer, neurosciences and metabolic disorders. The four MIPS research themes are outlined below. Medicinal chemistry and drug actionThe specific foci of this theme include projects and research activity in structure based drug design, synthetic medicinal chemistry, functional biology and drug action or stem cell biology. More specifically these projects would involve drug design and development (supported by contributions in the fields of: computer-aided molecular design and computational chemistry, NMR spectroscopy, protein chemistry and molecular biology, syntheses and characterisation of bioactive molecules, x-ray crystallography, and mass spectrometry), drug addiction pharmacology, prostate research, neurotransmitter and second messenger systems, and novel therapies using molecular biology approaches. A diversity of projects is available in each of these research areas using the techniques of in-vivo and in-vitro pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, biochemistry and physiology. Drug candidate optimisationThe drug candidate optimisation area provides collaborative lead candidate optimisation in support of emerging drug discovery programs. Lead optimisation facilitates the informed identification and selection of drug candidates through an integrated assessment of their chemical, metabolic, biopharmaceutical and developmental properties. Drug delivery disposition and dynamicsDrug delivery disposition and dynamics includes research into drug delivery and formulation science: utilisation of the transdermal route for the delivery of drugs, lipid-based formulation design, intestinal lymphatic transport of drugs, factors affecting the absorption of drugs across the intestinal mucosa, respiratory drug delivery, physicochemical and analytical characterisations of new drug candidates, stability and characterisation of protein drugs, absorption of protein drugs after subcutaneous administration, contributions of intestinal and hepatic metabolism to the bioavailability of drugs, powder mixing and content uniformity studies. Drug discover biologyThe Drug Discovery Biology research group was introduced in 2011 and operates as a joint initiative of the faculties of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science and Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. Contributions from all the research themes within the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science are currently focusing on infectious diseases including malaria, cancer and CNS disease. Centre for Medicine Use and Safety (CMUS)Researchers within the Centre for Medicine Use and Safety are working collaboratively with other health care professionals and researchers to develop, implement and evaluate new models and systems of health care practice, with the ultimate goal of optimising the safe and effective use of medicines. Members of the centre have extensive experience in the application of quantitative and qualitative research methods to address issues around the safe and effective use of medicines. Research scholarshipsCandidates for Doctor of Philosophy or masters by research may be eligible to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), a Monash Research Graduate Scholarship (MGS), or a research scholarship offered through the faculty on the basis of academic merit. Some industry scholarships are also available to graduate students studying in the faculty. Further details on eligibility and scholarship terms and conditions are available from the Monash Research Graduate School, Clayton campus. Postgraduate Studies and Professional Development UnitThe faculty has consolidated its postgraduate coursework offerings and all postgraduate coursework is offered through the Postgraduate Studies and Professional Development Unit (PSPDU). The PSPDU offers a range of courses designed to assist pharmacists and other health professionals further their careers and reach professional development goals. Monash realises that health professionals lead busy lives. All of the faculty’s postgraduate coursework offerings are delivered via online distance education which allows students to study when it suits them. This flexible method of delivery also enables students from rural areas and interstate to participate. Health professionals can enrol in a single unit of study from any of the PSPDU courses that is relevant to their professional development needs and practice. The Pharmacy Board of Australia requires all pharmacists to complete 20 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) activities each year. Studying a postgraduate unit contributes towards CPD requirements while also allowing students to benefit from the specialist content and expert teaching skills. Contact detailsContact details for all current students can be found on the faculty website at
Courses offered in 2011 - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesNOTE: The course details provided in in the entries below are for those students who began their studies in 2011 - students who commenced their studies prior to this date should consult the Handbook edition for the year in which they started their course. Archived Handbooks are available at Research degreesCoursework programsGraduate Certificates
Graduate Diplomas
18 September 2017
23 February 2025