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DescriptionThe Monash European and European Union Centre provides a focus for multidisciplinary teaching and research in European and European Union (EU) studies. It gives particular attention to the European Union and its significance on the world scene, including in the Asia-Pacific. The centre is also committed to highlight Europe's cultural, social, linguistic and intellectual heritage as reflected in the diversity of its peoples. It promotes top-quality research on Europe and the European Union. UnitsPostgraduate Diploma in Arts (Research)Offered by the Monash European and EU CentreStudents complete 48 points including two coursework units and a thesis. Coursework units and the thesis topic are chosen in consultation with the European studies postgraduate coordinator. Course coordinatorProfessor Pascaline Winand Master of Arts by Research and CourseworkThe entry below only details the coursework component of this degree. For all requirements including the research/thesis component refer to the full course entry at Offered by the Monash European and EU CentreThis program will enable students to focus their studies around a research thesis in European/European Union Studies. The coursework component is designed to explore the significance of the European Union and its peoples not only in Europe and the EU's neighbouring countries, but also on the wider international scene. It aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the institutional framework and policy-making processes of the European Union and its relations with non-EU countries, regions and international organisations. It investigates its political, legal, economic, social, humanitarian, environmental, and security implications for Europe and for the international system. UnitsStudents complete 24 points at fourth and fifth year level from:
Students may also take other fifth-year units in cognate areas with the approval of the course coordinator, including those in the list of elective units in course 3924 Master in European and International Studies, and in the faculties of Arts, Business and Economics and Law. Further coursesFor a list of units studied or course outlines, refer to the relevant courses. Relevant Courses
* By research.