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Monash University Handbook 2010undergrad sci-postgrad Science Postgraduate Handbook 2010 - Faculty of ScienceScience - Postgraduate studiesFaculty information
Areas of studyCourse information
Course-related policies and rulesStructure and organisation of the faculty - Faculty of ScienceThe Faculty of Science conducts undergraduate and postgraduate courses on the Clayton, Gippsland and Sunway, Malaysia campuses. Postgraduate programs offered by the faculty include the Graduate Certificate in Science Studies (GradCertScStud) and Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc), which are available by on-campus and off-campus learning, and the Master of Science Preliminary (MSc (Prelim), Master of Science (MSc), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) postgraduate programs, which may be undertaken on campus and by external mode. Schools within the facultyThe faculty comprises the following seven schools, each of which is responsible for carrying out teaching and research activities within the areas of expertise of their academic staff:
The School of Applied Sciences and Engineering is a multidisciplinary school that operates on the Gippsland campus. The school offers a range of studies and conducts research in applied biology, applied chemistry, human physiology, mathematics and modelling, and environmental management. The School of Sciences is a multidisciplinary school that operates on the Sunway campus. Science disciplines offered by departments and schools in other facultiesDepartments and schools in the following faculties also offer science disciplines:
Collaborative research is also undertaken with schools and departments from other faculties. Academic and administration affairs of the facultyThe academic operations of the faculty are governed by the faculty board, which is chaired by the dean of the faculty. The dean exercises a general superintendence over the academic and administrative affairs of the faculty and is assisted by four associate deans (external, graduate studies, research, and teaching). The heads of schools are ex-officio members of the board, and there are elected members representing various groups of staff within the schools of the faculty. Membership of the faculty board includes representatives of undergraduate, graduate, and off-campus learning students, who may be contacted through the appropriate campus candidate organisation. The board also comprises representatives from other faculties and of extra-faculty departments/schools who teach science students. The board seeks advice from a number of standing committees, such as the faculty's education committee, research committee, and research degrees committee. The faculty academic manager, with the assistance of other managers and administrative officers, is responsible for the activities of the Faculty of Science office and works closely with the dean in the provision of administrative support to the faculty. Where to get help and advice in the faculty - Faculty of ScienceIntending and current students are strongly encouraged to seek advice and information from the Faculty of Science office or from any of the schools. Details can be found at ClaytonLocation: ground floor, central Science building (building 19) - where it adjoins building 27 on the south side Telephone: +61 3 9905 9052 Postal addressFaculty of Science OfficeClayton campus Monash University Victoria 3800 Australia GippslandLocation: building 3W Telephone: +61 3 9902 6431 Postal addressSchool of Applied Sciences and Engineering Schools and centres of the faculty - Faculty of ScienceListed below are the schools and centres of the faculty. School staff can provide advice about a range of matters, including unit details for postgraduate coursework programs as well as information on areas of research focus and available resources and supervision for higher degree by research programs. SchoolsSchool of Applied Sciences and EngineeringResearch strengths and focus include applied biology and chemistry, human physiology, mathematics and modelling, and environmental management.
Postal addressSchool of Applied Sciences School of Sciences
Postal addressSchool of Sciences School of Biological SciencesResearch strengths and focus include biology and physiology of algae; ecology and conservation biology; evolutionary processes; molecular genetics and cell biology; and vertebrate physiology, development and behaviour.
Postal addressSchool of Biological Sciences School of ChemistryResearch strengths and focus include electrolytes, water studies, sustainable and green chemistry, electrochemistry, biospectroscopy, environmental and analytical science, biological and medicinal chemistry, materials chemistry and synthetic and catalytic chemistry.
Postal addressSchool of Chemistry School of GeosciencesResearch strengths and focus include economic geology, environmental geoscience and hydrogeology, geochemistry and petrology, geophysics, palaeontology, geodynamics, volcanology and ore deposits, sedimentology and basin studies and tectonics.
Postal address School of Geosciences School of Mathematical SciencesResearch strengths and focus include algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis and geometry, astrophysics and general relativity, atmospheric science and geophysical fluid dynamics, computational mathematics, statistics, and tertiary mathematics education.
Postal address School of Mathematical Sciences School of PhysicsResearch strengths and focus include electron scattering in materials, magnetic studies, computational physics, topological methods in physics, particle cosmology, EPR studies, applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy, engineering of metals and alloys, polymer physics and engineering, thin films, diffraction studies, computed tomography, digital image processing and X-ray and synchrotron radiation physics, ceramic engineering, corrosion, fracture of materials, production and properties of composites, mechanical properties, fracture, mathematical and computer modelling of materials and processes and biomaterials.
Postal address School of Physics CentresAustralian Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, Policy and Management
Australian Crustal Research Centre
Centre for Biospectroscopy
Centre for Green Chemistry
Centre for Modelling of Stochastic Systems
Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics
Water Studies Centre
Graduate studies by research - Faculty of ScienceIntroductionThe Master of Science (MSc) is a research-based program primarily aimed at further training for Bachelor of Science with honours graduates. Research may be undertaken within all schools of the faculty, the School of Geography and Environmental Science in the Faculty of Arts, and the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC). The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees are extensive research-based programs offering further training also primarily for Bachelor of Science with honours graduates. Candidates for the MSc by research, MPhil or PhD who do not meet the standard eligibility requirements for entry to these programs may undertake the Master of Science Preliminary (MScPrelim). This involves a combination of both coursework and research activities, but is included below in this `Graduate studies by research' section because of its role in preparation of students for further research studies. SupervisionOn admitting a candidate to a research program, the faculty board will, on the recommendation of the head of school, appoint a member of the academic staff of the university as a supervisor. It may also appoint an associate supervisor who need not be an academic staff member but someone of recognised standing in the field. Both supervisors are responsible to the faculty board. Research fellows and postdoctoral fellows may be appointed as supervisors if their terms of appointment exceed the periods of candidature, they have previous experience in supervising higher degree candidates, and they have a proven and current research record. Otherwise they may be appointed as associate supervisors. Further information about research in the Faculty of Science can be obtained from the graduate studies website at, or the Faculty of Science office by email at Scholarships and exemptionsFull-time Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and masters by research candidates with an honours H1 degree or the equivalent may apply for a range of research scholarships, including the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) and the Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS). Further details may be obtained from the Monash Research Graduate School by email at or by telephone on +61 3 9905 3009. Master of Science PreliminaryThis is a qualifying program combining research and coursework for candidates seeking admission to further studies at masters or PhD level. See the entry in the `Graduate studies by research' section above. Areas of research, by school and specialist centres - Faculty of ScienceMaster of Science (MSc), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs are offered by all schools of the Faculty of Science. Prospective MSc candidates are also referred to the Faculty of Arts entry in this handbook. Broad areas of study available for pure or applied research for candidates/coursework students in the Faculty of Science are detailed below.
Courses offered in 2010 - Faculty of ScienceNOTE: The course details provided in in the entries below are for those students who began their studies in 2010 - students who commenced their studies prior to this date should consult the Handbook edition for the year in which they started their course. Archived Handbooks are available at Research
18 September 2017
07 March 2025