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MOP6052 - Advances in organisational psychology

6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL

Postgraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader(s): Dr Elisabeth Wilson-Evered


Not offered in 2009


Covering recent, developments in the field of organisational psychology, this unit presents valid, empirical findings and corresponding theoretical propositions in topical areas of organisational psychology. Content also includes advances in creativity, motivation, decision making, customer satisfaction, productivity, persuasion and influence, impression management, integrity, psychopathic leadership, governance, ethical, social and environmental implications of workforce practices, safety, compliance, cooperation, prejudice, stress/downshifting, changes in working, industrial relations and global workforce trends and issues.


On completion of this unit, the student will be able:

  1. To develop knowledge in new and emergent topics in organisational psychology in for example the fields of productivity, creativity-innovation, leadership, stress, motivation, persuasion-influence, compliance, integrity-ethical practice, governance, workforce and work organisation trends, cooperation customer service, effectiveness and prejudice;
  2. To demonstrate knowledge of advanced psychological theories and discoveries that have not been adopted by mainstream industry, but nevertheless enhance work performance or satisfaction, or other positive outcomes;
  3. To describe a range of practices in industry that have become common place or accepted but yet appear to lack theoretical and empirical examination or verification and to demonstrate the capacity to identify and critically evaluate and describe atheoretical and empirically unsupported practices in industry;
  4. To demonstrate the capacity to identify and evaluate both scientific findings and theories relating to organisational psychology that either challenge or inform current practice in the form of a written piece of work, presentation and facilitated discussion among class participants;
  5. To apply this knowledge gained during class discussions, presentations and written work to develop a program designed to address contemporary issues in the workplace in the form of an industry tender.


The first assessment has two components: a written report and a presentation facilitation (50%)
Second assessment is a 3,000 word essay in the form of a tender application (50%).

Contact hours

3 hour lecture per week.

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