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MDM4010 - Introduction to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Health

6 points, SCA Band 3, 0.125 EFTSL

Postgraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader(s): Prof Frank Archer


Peninsula First semester 2009 (On-campus block of classes)
Peninsula First semester 2009 (Off-campus)
Peninsula Summer semester A 2009 (On-campus block of classes)


This unit provides an introduction to the field of study. The unit includes international disaster epidemiology, the disaster cycle, the science and contemporary models of emergency preparedness and disaster medicine. The unit will introduce national and international organisations, academic resources and an introduction to the multi-disciplinary approach and the social and political concepts of disasters and disaster health.


By the completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

  1. Enhance their ability to perform in their role as community-based emergency health professionals.
  2. Describe the international classification and scope of disasters.
  3. Describe the international trends in disaster epidemiology, with a specific focus on Australia, Oceania and Asia.
  4. Explain the phases in the natural history of disasters.
  5. Explain the phases of the emergency management cycle.
  6. Outline contemporary models relating to the science of disaster medicine.
  7. Outline the academic resources available in this field.
  8. Outline the national infrastructure, and international relations, relating to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Medicine.
  9. Describe the multi-disciplinary approach required in managing disasters.
  10. Outline the impact of political and social contexts of disasters.


3 part assignment (2,500 words)(45%)
Assignment (2,500 - 3,000 words)(55%)

Contact hours

On-campus students:
156 hours including 5 day full-time block release, supported by online tutorials using MUSO.

Off-campus students:
Students are required to spend 12 hours per week on this unit working through self-directed learning materials, participating in tutorials through MUSO and in preparation of unit assessment tasks (156 hours total).

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