MCP0004 - Child psychotherapy 4 year 2
8 points, SCA Band 3, 0.1666667 EFTSL
Postgraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Leader(s): Mrs J Beaufoy
Clayton Second semester 2009 (Day)
Seminars include psychoanalytic theories and psychopathology including an in-depth study of the work of Sigmund Freud and Melanie Klein. The applied seminars continue and include consultation, ethics and research. Clinical Supervision: individual psychotherapy supervision, 2 hours per week. Parent Therapy Supervision, 1 hour per week. Infant Observation Seminar, 2 hours per week.
The objectives of this unit are:
- To continue an exploration in seminars of the fundamental psychoanalytic and developmental theories.
- To explore the application of these theories to various aspects of clinical work both in seminars and clinical supervision.
- To extend knowledge of the application of ethical issues, consulation to and research in the area .
- To continue the observation of the ongoing development of a non-clinical infant for one hour per week, from six months of age to until at least twelve months of age.
- To submit on completion a written account of this twelve-month infant observation.
- To undertake psychotherapy with patients viz. children, adolescents and parents, and to present this work to the clinical supervisors; to be able to demonstrate a developing competence with the various techniques in the work.
Trainees' performance on seminars
Written account of the year's infant observations to be submitted
Written report submitted by clinical supervisors for each trainee detailing progress made
An integration of the various aspects of the unit are to be demonstrated in the students' clinical work
13 October 2017
23 February 2025