FIT5166 - Information retrieval systems
6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL
Postgraduate Faculty of Information Technology
Leader(s): Campbell Wilson
Not offered in 2009
This unit presents students with the theory and practice underlying computerised information retrieval. Topics covered include: history and context of information retrieval systems, retrieval models: Boolean, vector space and probabilistic, evaluation strategies and test collections, web search engines, very large databases, indexing, content-based multimedia retrieval, relevance feedback.
At the conclusion of this unit students will:
- appreciate the context and application of information retrieval systems.
- understand the different models of information retrieval and their comparative advantages and disadvantages.
- understand how objective and subjective evaluation strategies are used with information retrieval systems.
- be conversant with the issues and challenges of managing very large databases of heterogeneous data for information retrieval.
- understand how web search engines and search algorithms are constructed, utilised and deployed
- appreciate the different indexing strategies that can be used for the retrieval of information across different modalities.
- understand how information retrieval systems can be used for the retrieval of audio-visual information.
- appreciate the utility of and understand the theoretical and practical underpinnings of relevance feedback in information retrieval systems.
Practical work: 50%, Exam (2 hours): 50%
Contact hours
2 hours lectures/week, 2 hours tutorials/week
For MAIT students, FIT9017, FIT9018, FIT9019, FIT9030, FIT9020 and FIT4037.
Recommended knowledge: Basic familiarity with file organisation theory and UNIX
Additional information on this unit is available from the faculty at:
13 October 2017
23 February 2025